A/N (๑>◡<๑)

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Hi guys!!! I just wanna thank everyone who has been following this book so far! And it means alot to me!!! So have some free comedy in my opinion (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎


Mitsuya was fixing his bike while his little sisters were playing around him as Draken walked up behind him "Oi! Mitsuya." He looked over his shoulder at Draken and nodded his head "Wheres Mikey and Baji?" Mitsuya sighed and stood "doing stuff" Draken raised his eyebrows "I don't like the sound of that... Where's Ino?" Mitsuya let out a huff "Stopping Mikey and Baji from doing stuff." Draken sweat dropped "And chifuyu??"  Now Mitsuya just looked so done "Stopping Ino from stopping Mikey and Baji from doing stuff." Draken seemed so lost right now "and dare I ask what youre doing?" Mitsuya chuckled this time "I'm supposed to be stopping you from stopping Chifuyu who's stopping Ino from stopping Mikey and Baji from doing stuff." Draken looked at the bike then at Mitsuya the back to the bike before answering "wanna go for a drink." Mitsuya nodded as they walked of. It is said you could hear Chifuyu screaming at Ino to put a bag down and not to hit Mikey and Baji who were running away and screaming they were sorry.


Sitting down on the bank eating lunch by the water mitsuya looked up "anyone d-" Ino looked up "depressed?" Then Mikey replied "Drained?" Then Peh continued "Dumb?" Then Baji "Disliked?" 

Mitsuya looked so done "-done with your lunch.. what is wrong with you guys!!" 

That was followed by silence until Mikey spoke up "y'know I've done alot of dumb stuff" Mitsuya snorted "yeah and I witnessed that dumb stuff." Ino looked at them both laughing "Bitch please I recorded that dumb shit." Baji playfully shoved Ino "yea but I joined the dumb stuff!" Draken had just walked behind us when he yelled "WELL I TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THAT DUMB STUFF!" Which earned hysterical laughter from Ino "YEA I GOT THAT ON VIDEO TOO!" And before anyone knew it Draken had tackled Ino into the water as they all peacefully watched Ino screaming and swimming away from Draken.


The air was tense as if anyone would throttle someone any moment the silence was broken as Chifuyu screamed which was followed by Baji screaming louder to assert dominance as Mitchy leaned towards Ino "should we stop them?" Ino shook his head pulling popcorn out of nowhere "Nahhhhh I wanna see who wins."

It had been half an hour since the screaming and Baji had won yet again the silence was unbearable as Ino spoke up "jail is no fun, I'll tell you that much." Mitchy's friends turned to look at me as they yelled in unision "you've been there?!" Ino looked unfazed as they pointed at the board game "yea I'm in the jail in monopoly right now." 

The game had finally finished and Mikey and Mitchy had ried. Ino walked up behind them and patted their backs saying "well done gays." Mitchy and Mikey laughed nervously as Mitchy replied "did you mean guys-" Ino's eyes narrowed "did I fucking stutter."

Anywaysssssss bye for now!!!!

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