I swear I'm not that flat-

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I sat up gasping for air as I looked around. None of it was familiar I was bare foot wearing wearing dirty sweatpants and a top that was way to large for my frame. Placing my hand on the wall behind me and struggling to stand, then it hit me as I started patting myself down. My hair was to my shoulders as i then touched my shoulders which were boney and unnaturally thin before passing my chest and freezing as my hands past them. "Now wait just a goddamn minute, I definitely had more boobs than this. Heck I was defiantly taller! I'm a boy?!" My eyes widened as I realised the last thing I remembered was getting shot after watching my family being brutaly murdered. Does that mean- I'm living someone else's life?

(why am I so nervoussssss)

I had been wandering around in this body for weeks now rummaging through trash cans and genuinely pitying myself, before I started hearing yelling and hurriedly hobbled towards the alley that the yelling had come from. A boy with blond hair was being surrounded by some scary ass looking men. Without thinking my feet were running towards the boy even though they were taking strain as I land a feeble punch on one of them, already out of breath and light headed from lack of energy. They all turned to me as did the boy who was crying, I sweat dropped so uncool before a fist connected with my frail body as I went flying into a wall. And with that I was out of the fight, I'd lived a good life I would say as I closed my eyes. Not even ten minutes later was I rudely awoken by A very beaten up blond as I reached my hand and lightly touched his cheek before grabbing it and pulling it as his eyes widened "Ow!" I glared then realised this was not god and therefore I could not argue with him. As I let go and let out a weak laugh "you're such a cry baby y'know." His eyes started to prick with tears as I narrowed mine "shoo go home, and clean up your wounds." His eyes widened "what about you!?" I grinned "what about me." Before I passed out.

(A/N idk but the whole time my hands were shaking writing this! I hope you enjoy this taster of a fanfic I'm attempting to write!)

~Do you wanna know? ~ (Tokyo revengers x ma!eOC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat