Save me...

110 8 6

(I'm gonna cry doing this chapter, fuck 🗳😭🤛)

I woke up two days after Mikey and I had spoken, and obviously I was prepared to go. I walked towards my door and grabbed the handle. It didn't budge. "What the actual fuck." I tried my windows all stuck. They literally locked me in my room. I started kicking the door. "Open the fucking door!" I kicked it and punched it for a solid hour until my knuckles and hands were red with blood from my knuckles.

I slid down onto my knees with both my hands pressed against the door, I don't know why but I was crying. "Someone- just open the door..." I turned and looked at my window pushing myself up and walking towards it fuck this is gonna hurt I pulled my arm back and slammed it into the window it made a cracking sound I pulled my arm back and did it again, and again, and again until it shattered.

Jumping out of a second story window and falling through a tree wasn't as painful as I thought it would be (I actually found that out earlier this year when I fell of my roof and fell through a tree) I scrambled up with little cuts covering my face arms and legs from the branches as I ran towards where they were fighting. Faster, faster, faster, GODDAMIT! I was tipping it down with rain as I stumbled and fell on the road before standing up and running again ignoring the burn of my knees from the grazes. That's when I blood ran cold. A gunshot, my legs froze up. I couldn't move. A picture of my little brother smiling at me with tears running down his cheeks as he said something but my ears were too busy ringing that I couldn't make it out. I blinked once and suddenly my brother looked like Mikey. I blinked again and it was the road I had been standing on. I grimaced as I pushed off and I started running again.

I saw the Toman members as I pushed through them. One of them put their hands to stop me going through. I glared at him and shoved it away as he called out my name "Ino!" This got the other captains attention cause they had been the ones to lock me in my room. They started scanning over the members looking for me, they only spotted me as I pushed through to the front. Mitsuya grabbed me from behind before I could run to the bloodied figure of Mikey "let me go!" At this point I was screaming and elbowing him as Baji was on stand by just in case I broke through angry and smiley Mitchy by the wrists to stop him from running to Mikey. That's when I recognized Izana on the ground. I slammed my foot on Mitsuyas, shocking him and slammed off the ground and ran, I ran and ran with Baji in hot pursuit behind me. Mikey looked up, his eyes widened "Ino- no..." dropped down by Izanas side placing my hands on what looked like gunshot wounds. His violet eyes met with mine as he coughed. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, he genuinely smiled, his hand was placed on the other boy who was wounded as well. I looked up at Mikey who was also crying as he uttered "why- why didn't you come join us. We would have loved you like our own family-" Izana looked towards Mikey with a sad smile now "I'm sorry" he looked back at me as I uttered "did you tell him you love him?" He looked back at the boy who was now barely conscious. Izana nodded "it would of never worked out, but promise me, you'll save those wedding designs, for me in another life-" and his eyes went blank I lifted my hands from the wounds, looking at the 2 dead bodies, stepping away from them Mikey was frozen in place and Mitchy was running to his side, Mitsuya and Baji were running towards me. And then it hit me, it's all their fault. I could have saved them, if I wasn't locked in my room I could have saved him. I turned to look at them with Mitchy also in my line of sight and they stopped dead in their tracks,I stared them down with pure hatred glowing from my eyes. "It's all your fault." I whispered I took another step back as Mitchy stepped towards me. I looked at him as well, then I ran, I turned and ran like my life depended on it.

I don't know where I was running,I no longer knew which blood was mine, all I knew was I was running, even though I could hear the rev of motor bike engines I continued to run. The rain was like a constant drum roll, and my feet pounding the ground matched it's beat, not before long I was running along the side of the dock and turning onto the pier and running towards the end. Reaching the end my feet slid to a stop, they were raw from the ground, my knuckles were screwed and I had little scratches everywhere. The wind slamming against my body and ripping through my hair. My body was swaying in the wind, I felt hollow. Mikey had said to Izana why he left them and never tried to get to know them, then it linked back to the grave he had been by, he had lost so much but still smiled, why, why is he doing that to himself. Why are we all doing that to ourselves? I turned to see Mikey ,Baji ,Mitsuya ,Draken and smiley and angry with a very tired Mitchy in hot pursuit. I looked at them, tears streaming down my cheeks and a smile spread across my lips. They were so close to reaching me, then a gust of wind hit me and I lost my balance as my eyes widened and I tumbled backwards into the water hearing their voices screaming my name, sinking slowly downwards seeing figures jumping into the water after me, my body was so heavy, as I reached my hand towards the figures swimming towards me. Save me.... Please....

(Well shit. This hurt. UHHHH. Just a reminder I don't cover anyone's medical aid I used mine up already ahaha Soooo yea...)

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