Chapter 30 - Pepper Spray

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(If anyone's confused about the height difference I am too I keep forgetting who's taller so sorry)

It was a new day and I felt like a million bucks. Though that feeling kinda staggered since she wasn't right beside me but I'll get to see her once I get to work. I fit on a draped dark blue skirt matching it with a white shirt that made my cleavage look impeccable but professional. That's why I called the long sleeve shirt the 'paid eye catcher'.

After fitting on my heels and coat I quickly made my way out letting the cold air hit me. Honestly, I couldn't even feel it blinded me with the joy of possible later events. It even made the drive shorter if that's even possible but what shocked me most was the car beside the park I usually get.

Thank goodness it wasn't his but I could most definitely recognize this as the one I spotted before her garage. After that day I hadn't seen it again but it seems my memory works for the strangest events. I didn't know exactly the reason behind her not driving but I surely wasn't going to press for an answer if she didn't want to give me one.

I made my way inside the building nodding towards Allen who looked a bit more tired than usual and two of the normal guards. I was shifting my weight leaning side to side just waiting for the elevator to hit my floor. I didn't even realise I was smiling until I frowned upon the sight of a man I never thought I'd have to talk to again,"So that's the reason you come early? To screw my wife?"

I looked around wondering where Alina must be hoping she'd magically appear before he could talk again but I was wrong," I can't blame her though. I'd trade you for her name any time of the day. You must've known I was going to wear something like that and I'm flattered honestly."

"Oh get out of your air filled head."

"Oh you have a bit of a bite in you? I always seem to attract the feisty ones.", He chuckles getting up and i subconsciously go to the pocket of my purse holding onto the pepper spray that laid there,"Listen even though we could all have some fun together i need to get Alina back on my side and maybe you could help me with that darling."

I wince hearing him call me that but I've never been happier to see Alina and Saura coming down the hall until now. Her eyes scanned between us with an unfiltered expression and I was about to call him out before I felt a snake around my waist. I jump to the side pulling out my pepper spray and aligning it right on the target of his eyes.

A howling screech much of a woman emitted from him but I just watched blankly not feeling even the slightest bit of remorse,"Saura could you please get security to come get him."

"Oh with pleasure."It's inaudible what his next words are or even who it's directed to as he bawls over holding his eyes.

"Sweetie come here."She takes me into her office just as I start to see him try and ground himself so for good measure and for a bit of payback for Alina herself I spray him again. I might've taken it a bit far but there's more pain that people have endured that he'll never feel and that was only the tip of the iceberg,"while that's hot come and wait in my office while I get him out of here ok?"

"Do you need my pepper spray?"

"You know what? Yes, I might need it."After we were inside she kissed my cheek, squeezed my forearm and took the item before leaving me in here.

It was long before I got to see her again. I heard a bit of commotion outside the door but I guess I was in some kind of shock. What i did wasn't even close to murder not that i should tell anyone that incase he thought to press charges. But I never even used the tool and who knew what mom said about it was so true.

When the door opened my head swiftly met the person and I relaxed seeing it was her,"Are you ok? I'm sorry I had to leave but I wanted him out of here before he could cause any damage. I even had another woman on the ground floor that he objectified so I had him leaving with his hands bound."

"Are you ok?"

"Sweetie, I've sadly got used to him but you're the one he tried to... I never want him to be around you ever again. It was like my stomach felt watching him do that no matter how big or small the matter is it will always shake you."She sits beside me and I lean onto her shoulder,"Not that I'm doing this intentionally but the angle is making your boobs stare at me."

"Well I wore this for you but this special shirt always seems to catch the attention of unwanted eyes. Though stare all you want, Miss Write."

"You will tell me if something is wrong right? What was he even saying before I came."

"Just something about trying to get you back and me helping."

"That will never happen, trust me."

"Well this is one heck of a way to start the day isn't it."

"I even think I like Saura, she's not that bad once the bitchiness is gone. She even fired that horrible assistant weeks back. I didn't like her at all."

"You and me both."

Mrs. Write (Gxg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang