Making Pete happy

Start from the beginning

Pete nodded and then shifted next to Tuli. "Are you comfortable?" Tuli asked looking at her son-in-law. "I am fine mae." Pete replied politely. "Mae knows everything Pete. I know you are missing him. Even though you put up a brave face in front of everyone, I can see right through it. Don't worry, he'll be back soon." Tuli assured patting Pete's back.

"Mae, I am trying my best but it's just....." Pete couldn't find words to explain. "It's alright son, I can understand. You can speak to me whenever you need someone. I'll be there for you. Also, don't hesitate to tell your preferences, we need to know what you like." Tuli said. Just then, the maid arrived carrying the tea.

Pete smiled at his mother-in-law who was trying to make him as comfortable as possible. "You can take some rest now. I'll call you for dinner." Tuli said.

Pete nodded in response and then retreated to his room. He checked his cell phone to see if Ae had called him but there was nothing. He sighed and then tossed the phone aside while leaned onto the headboard of bed. His eyes then fell on the frame which held their wedding picture.

He picked it up and held it close while he admired it. It brought back the memories of their wedding and honeymoon. Pete clutched the frame close to him while he leaned against the headboard and closed his eyes.

"I miss you Ae..." Pete whispered as a drop of tear escaped his eye. All the emotions that he was holding in finally found their way out and started to pour out through his eyes. It had been quite a while that Pete had been crying silently when his cell phone started to ring.

He picked it up and his sad face lit up seeing Ae's ID. He picked it up immediately and answered, "Hello khrab Ae." Ae could clearly hear the change in voice of Pete and knew that the cute guy had been crying. "Pete..... I just reached here. What are you doing?" Ae asked.

"Ae, I just returned from work. How was the flight?" Pete asked. "It was fine. Had you been crying?" Ae inquired. Pete stayed quiet and then finally answered, "I am missing you Ae." He could hear the sharp intake of breathe from the other side and immediately knew the expression on Ae's face.

"I am sorry love." Ae apologized. "Ae..... It's fine. I just need time to get adjusted. Everyone is being nice to me. Por dropped me to office today and I talked to mae after returning home. I am feeling much more comfortable." Pete explained.

Ae let out a sigh knowing that his family was trying their best to take care of his husband. "I am happy that you are being taken care of. How was your day at work?" Ae asked. "It was great Ae. I asked the driver to get my car so I could drive to work." Pete said. "Wow! That's great. And what else you did?" Ae asked.

Pete was happy after listening to Ae's voice and started to narrate to him how his whole day had been. They continued to talk for a while till there was a knock on the door. Pete then said bye to Ae and disconnected the call while he walked to open the door of the bedroom.

"Pete, come let's have dinner." Tuli said. Pete walked out of the room following Tuli who was walking in front. They arrived at the base of the steps when a little girl squealed and rushed towards him. "Ar'Pete!!" her voice echoed through the room.

Pete's face was brightened with smile as he saw his niece running towards him. He picked her up and then planted a kiss on her cheeks. "Ar'Pete, I missed you." She said and wrapped her little arms around her uncle's neck. "I missed you too princess." Pete replied.

Then he saw his parents, brother and sister-in-law walking towards him. He smiled at them while taking few steps forward. "Pete... How are you?" Patchara asked stepping closer. "I am fine mae." Pete replied with a smile.

Tuli had been worried about Pete and she invited Pitchaya family for dinner. Her idea seemed to work since Pete looked happy after having his family visit them. The dinner was lively with lot of talk and little drama from Yim.

After the dinner, everyone sat down to have a talk till it was time to leave. Little Yim was asleep in Pete's arm who carried her to the car and placed her inside gently. He then said bye to everyone and returned back inside. He saw Tuli waiting for him and walked towards her.

"Thank you mae." Pete said with gratitude. "Son, you need not thank me. I should make sure that my family is happy. Now get some sleep. I don't want Ae to complain that we are not taking proper care of you." Tuli spoke teasingly. "Aw mae~" Pete almost whined making Tuli laugh. "Okay okay... Go get some sleep. Good night." Tuli said pushing Pete towards bedroom.

Pete wished his mother-in-law good night and then headed straight to the room. He entered the room and then closed the door and grabbed his cell phone . He wanted to tell Ae about his family's visit.

He dialed the number and patiently waited for Ae to pick up. Ae answered the call after four rings. "Hello Pete!" Ae called from the other side. "Hello khrab Ae!" Pete replied in his excited tone. Ae was finally relieved knowing that Pete was in good mood.

"Yes my love. Did you have dinner?" Ae asked. "Khrab.... You know, mae had invited everyone for dinner. Yim had also come. I am sooooo happy to meet everyone after a month." Pete spoke. Ae understood the reason behind's Pete's happiness and was thankful for his mother.

"Wow! That's great. You must have had a good time." Ae said. "Yes.... I talked to everyone and it felt so nice. I didn't know I had been missing them till I met them today, especially mae." Pete replied.

"Hmmm... I am happy seeing you smile." Ae replied. Pete's smile got wider as he heard those words. "I miss you Ae." He said in a soft voice. "I miss you too love. I just feel like returning back right at this moment. I am missing you real badly." Ae confessed.

"Ae..... I am also missing you a lot. Wish you were here. I was looking at our wedding picture, you look handsome in that suit." Pete complimented in his sweet voice. "Pete... You are almost tempting me with that voice." Ae replied in hoarse tone.

Pete could hear the heavy breathing of his husband coming from the other side of call. "Ae...." Pete whispered while his hand went to his neck and gently rested on the hickey as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

"Baby... Don't call with that voice. You are almost making it impossible for me to stay here." Ae replied in his raspy voice making Pete shudder. "Do Ae miss me that bad?" Pete asked trying to tease his husband.

"Pete... Don't try to tease me. I won't let you step down from bed when I return." Ae warned. Pete shivered at the thought as the naughty images started to dance in his head. He bit down on his bottom lip while he had a shy smile playing on his lips.

"Then Ae should hurry up and return back soon." Pete replied. "You just be prepared to receive punishment when I return." Ae said in hoarse. Pete's breathe hitched at the tone of his husband.

They continued to talk till Ae decided that Pete should sleep. After lot of whining and tantrums, Ae was finally able to convince his husband to go to bed. Pete lay on bed hugging a pillow that had Ae's smell. He sniffed in the familiar scent and closed his eyes letting himself sink into the dreamland.

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