She comes through

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She appeared with grace. The world never going against her but push. Wherever she went, others followed. A savior. Icon. Idol. Perfection for all. She was labeled by many. Each label glorifying her. But who was she?

No one knows.

She was rumored more as a myth than an actual person, until here presence was seen. An interesting character she was. Armor made of a material unseen before. Skin without blemish. A weapon designed in an unorthodox way that one would never think it was a weapon. Her eyes were deep, like a doorway to somewhere else. Unable to look away once met.

Behind her a crowed followed. It was never ending. Far enough where you are unable to tell if they were people following her. The group consisted of many. From homeless to noble, something about her aspired them to continue to follow. Where was she going with her disciples? Did she ever look back? Although the crowed looked tired, she did not.

Once seen, you too will follow her to the end. 

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