A happy piece with me

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Isn't it nice to have a happy thought? To think on the fondest memories in your life up to this point. The moment you took in the most memorable scenery; letting out the hardest laughs with those you care for; the moment time stood still as you found love. Truly the precious pieces within life.

To rise and fall in bliss of memories and comfort. Giving yourself up to the process as it consumes you with the feeling of something warm. Like a ray of sunshine piercing through and clearing the stormy weather that had appeared that day. Letting the light blind, you from the present in order for you to gain a little bit of something.

Sometimes just stop. Take it in. take a breather to see how far you came. Instead of being sad, consider turning it to joy that you came so far from each struggle. You are doing great. And you will continue to do great. So, when things seem off just take a moment and think happy thoughts. After all, isn't it nice?

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