From start to finish

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Let's go. Let's begin. From start to finish, that's the way to end, is what I say to myself every day. I wake up with the notion to go strong but fall short as the time goes by. Not fun at all. The drive that's there fades away leaving me with none. Empty handed, with not much feeling, like grasping at the wind. No joy, no desire, no drive.

Usually, I sit there and just think why. Why does this keep happening? I see amazing things and think how I could do it too. Get the pen, pencil and paper and were here...looking at the infamous blank canvas. It starts with one idea then goes to the next. The cycle of the mind continues until it just becomes over whelming. Dang.

The waiting game begins. The sighs, pencil taps and staring all become frequent and in sync. With one look above and relaxing the body in the seat, you twirl the chair and call it quits. Today like many others was not your day. Let's try tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow for sure. Maybe then, I could do something.

From start,

to finish. 

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