The Devil's dance

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Her tongue was dangerous. The ability to glide on the edge of a blade without harm, but able to wound the hearts of any. Appearing when the wicked in her arises. The pink devil pops out of her plush lips, only to be caught and strangled by the pearly gates. It was how she showed her emotion. Although choking, it would still sway side to side seducing anyone in its presence.

"Come close", it whispers. You follow through, yearning to taste. Her saliva drains and glistens on the devil's skin. Mimicking a sugary glaze, you imagine the sweet taste you could have. Before you knew it, you danced the devil's dance. It was more than you can imagine...

Like others, you swear your allegiance, baptized in the sin. You are one with the heard. A lustful sheep following its shepherd. Devoted, you wait along with the others to be acknowledged by their master and taste the devil once again. 

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