I have to wait for her

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(Y/N's POV)

'wh-what?' she says shaking. 'you heard me clearly. I'm going to kill you. but don't worry I will make it a quick death if you would prefer' I say to her giving her the option. 'Wow thank you so much for giving me the option Y/N. I'd actually prefer if you didn't kill me' she says with a little more confidence, 'Yeah that's not an option unfortunately. Actually before I kill you there are some people who would like to talk to you.' I say to her. she asks who, and I just smile at her. 'well the people who want you dead' I say waving my hand over her eyes so that she can see the dead. 'wait are they.' she starts to say. 'we are the founders of Hogwarts' Godric says to her. 'I won't leave the room, but I will let you 5 have some time to yourselves . Umbridge I'll be in your office.' I say to them all leaving them in the classroom.

It's been about 10 minutes since I left them all in the classroom to themselves. Whilst they are talking about god knows what I decided to snoop around the office, to see what Umbridge is hiding. I looked in some of her drawers but there is nothing special. that is until I found a hidden compartment in one of the drawers. I pulled out a necklace. init was beautiful, it had a silver chain with a locket on the end; which was yellow with an emerald green snake In the middle of it. I recognise this necklace for some reason but I'm not sure why, it rings a bell from somewhere in the back of my mind.

Getting bored I walk back into the classroom to see what's going on. and what a boring site I see, they are just talking, having a normal conversation like anyone else. which angers me a lot. 'What the fuck are you doing?' I say to them all. I grab a chair a break off a leg, I walk up to umbridge, 'right time to go.' I say to her. I sit her down on the nearest chair and tie her up so she can't move. 'also time for you lot to go too' I say to the founders. 'Y/N we have decided to not kill her. so there is no need.' Helga says to be. I can't believe this. 'yeah no. I am going killing her. You don't get a say in this.' I say not listen to them I then send them all away back into the shadow world do that I don't have to see them or listen to them any longer.

'fine just do it. get it over with.' she says. 'Oh no it's not as simple as that my dear. I'm going to make sure you have a slow and painful death.' I say to her not breaking eye contact. 'What. but that's not what you said at the beginning. you said' 'I. know what I said' I say cutting her off. 'But I changed my mind.'

After that I don't really remember what happened. I mean I kinda went into a rampage after that. But not the screaming like a freak type. No no. More like an empty void rage. I guess that why I don't remember anything. But I'm now sat here on a desk looking at her body. I'm covered in her blood from head to toe and so is the table. I can feel the blood still around my mouth. The floor has created a puddle of her blood and her body lies on top. why is there so much blood? Maybe because at some point I cut off her head. Yeah that part I do remember, very satisfying if you ask me.

I'm looking at her body with no emotion, usually when I kill someone I don't like I feel happy that they are gone. Don't get me wrong I love the fact I was the one who got to kill her, but now waiting for her soul is the worst part of it all. whenever I kill anyone I have to wait there until their soul has passed through me so that I can leave. I'm not sure why I can't leave before that, I just know the I can't. And that's the painful part. not that I had to see her again, but when someone passes through me I feel everything they felt when and how they died. That I am not ready for.

Right now is when I feel most empty. Void. No emotion at all. Just waiting for a soul to pass.

As I'm just staring at her body I hear some one walk through the doors. I'm not sure who it is but they say to the people to get out of the room quickly. All except him and a few other people. yet I don't listen to any of it. I'm still waiting.

'Y-Y/N? what did you do?' they ask. 'isn't it obvious?' I say, no emotion attached. They come into my view. 'Fred.' I say looking at him. 'Fred I think we should go.' Hermione says trying to grab his arm. I look back over to the body, her soul is still not leaving and I'm not sure why. 'Y/N come on you need to get out of here.' Fred says about to help me get up. Yet Hermione jumps in front to stop him. 'What are you doing? Are you crazy?' she says. 'She can't stay here?' Fred say to her. 'I can't leave.' I say still looking at the body. 'What?' Hermione says. 'I'm going to get Stefan and Damon. They will know what to do with her.' she says as she walks off. Now it's just me and Fred.

'Y/N. why can't you leave?' he asks me keeping his distance now. 'I have to wait for her' I say still not looking at him. 'Who Umbridge? But she's dead' he says confused 'I have to wait for her' I repeat. He won't understand. Why explain?

next thing I know the doors swing open again and two very angry people walk in. they walk over to Fred and move him away so he doesn't get hurt. But before either of them do anything they just look at me. Damon walks over and kneels down to my level. 'Your waiting aren't you?' he asks. I just nod in response. 'Do you want us here?' he asks again. I shake my head. 'it probably won't be nice to watch.' I say to him giving him an answer. he walks back over to the others, 'we gotta got' he says. 'But we can't leaver her' Fred says. 'We have to for now.' Stefan says as he catches on. Yet before they could leave her soul finally leaves her body. I send up to let her pass through to the other world. I see they all look over to me from the corner of my eye. next thing I know I drop to the floor and can feel the pain Umbridge went through when she died. I'm screaming in pain and holding my neck from it. my nose starts to bleed from it to. 'Why aren't you doing anything?' Fred says to them. they just look at each other. Damon says

'We can't. she did this to herself.'

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