She has to much pink stuff

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(Y/N's POV):

'Wait talk. What's that supposed to mean?' Fred says to me. I turn around facing him and say 'one night I came back to school from leaving as I had to re stock on some things. I was walking back up to my room and heard your voice talking to her's.' I say whilst pointing at a passed out Zoe. 'Wh-what did you hear?' He says. 'How she wanted you to break up with me as I'm a. Oh what did she call me? Oh yeah I'm a skinny bitch according to her aren't I. Freddie kins?' I say to him putting on a sarcastic smile. 'Oh god. You were there?' He says hanging his head low. I just nodded waiting for a response. 'I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her sooner. Dee's been nagging me ever since we came back and it's been so' I cut him off. 'She's been doing this since we have came back to school? Why didn't you tell me!' 'I am so sorry Y/N. That night when I told her to back off and stop getting in between me and you she finally stopped. I- I didn't think you'd notice...' he said to me. I looked at him and reached out for his hand, 'Fred we all have our ex's and I know I'm not your first girlfriend. But hiding the fact that your ex has been trying to get in between us hurts. But what's hurts even more is that you never told me and I found out by seeing you late at night with this girl talking about your past relationships with her. Only to find out today that you still care for her. I mean why else would you be here?' I said. God it feels good to get that off my chest.

Zoe suddenly woke up making both Fred and I jump. He rushes over to her asking her if she's okay and how she is feeling, all of that. 'I think you both should leave.' I say with no emotion. Fred went to say something and I don't know what but Zoe cuts in and says 'thanks I guess.' And Fred helps her and leaves. And just like that my boyfriend leaves with his ex. Great.

As soon as the door closes I start to cry. And I hate it. Why am I crying! I know I shouldn't cry over something like this but I can't stop myself. Seeing them together, Fred caring for her. I hurts me.

I decide to go on a little walk around the castle to pass time. I'm not in the mood to finish off today's classes. I mean I haven't gone to them all day so what's the point?

As I'm walking down a corridor I run I start to hear a very familiar voice 'Honestly I just don't like the woman. She has to much pink stuff, it's starting to hurt my eyes.' I knew that voice anywhere. And if anyone can cheer me up right now it's him and his friends.

I walk round the corner to see Draco and Blaise sitting down chatting gg to each other and I don't realise but I smile. Hearing there voices makes me happy for some reason.

I walk over Saying 'hey guys can I sit?' Obviously they let me and I sit down in between them. We sit there just chatting about random stuff for a while and just catching up on this. That's when Draco said 'are you okay? You don't seem like yourself?' This guy knows me more than I realised. 'Umm yeah I'm fine.' I say trying not to give anything away. 'Okay tell us now before I force you to tell us Y/N. We know when you are 1 lying and 2 are upset. So who am I going to have to set straight?' Blaise says. 'Umm. Geez you guys really do know me don't you... can we talk somewhere else, I don't want everyone knowing?' I say. We all agreed on going to the Slytherin common room for some privacy.

As all three of us are heading there I can hear a certain pink bitches voice calling my name. I roll my eyes as she see's me and makes her way over 'You need to leave. Now.' She says. I'm sorry what? 'No I think I'm good.' I say about to walk off again but she stops me, 'this isn't for negotiation miss Mikealson. You are leaving.' She says trying to intimidate me. 'And whys that?' I question her. 'You are dangerous to the school!' She shouts starting to raise her voice. I let out a small laugh, take a step forward to get closer to her and say 'am I? Personally I think you are, considering what's you've done.' 'I have not done anything what are you talking about?' She says starting to get worried. 'Well first of all how about all the spells you've used on students because they weren't following your pathetic rules. And for another example Does a cliff in the forbidden forest ring any bells. Or do I need to remind you what you done to me?' She gasped. 'How-what. You don't know what your talking about.' She replies. I see she's holding a little pink mug and I take it out of her hand. 'Don't I?' I say. Taking a sip out of her cup. She says 'You need to give me that back right now or' 'or what!' I shout throwing the mud against the wall making it smash into pieces, also making everyone jump. I step closer to her and say 'What are you going to do? Throw me off a cliff again. There's one thing you should know about me...

I can't be killed.'

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