Who else would it be.

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(Y/N's POV):

'Wait. Plan. What plan?' Zoe asks me. I laugh a little. 'Thing is I need your help in killing Umbridge.' I say. And he's you heard me right I am killing her regardless of what anyone says. 'An why would I help you?!' He states. 'Oh honey your not going to have a choice. I'm making you.' She just looked at me in confusion.

Then I proceeded to hurt her. I made sure though I didn't do it too much because I knew I was letting Her go soon and I can't have her walking out of my room with one arm gone. It would make me suspicious.

For the next 5 minutes or so I basically compelled her to forget what Kai and I have done to her. Can't let her remember that. And then get her to tell Umbridge this 'no apparently she didn't die. My dumb ass didn't push it in far enough and considering she fell in the water the fall didn't kill her either. Oh and before you ask, the reason why I haven't been in is because I've been trying to find out what the bitch is. She clearly isn't a witch so I am just curious.' And then to forget everything that she remembers about me basically, what I am, who I am, what I'm planning to do. That sort of thing. Oh and if anyone asks why she is covered in bruising and cuts to say it was quidditch when She was practicing at home.

The. She left straight away and I finally didn't have a constant ringing in my ears from her whiny ass voice.

Finally I went to sleep. Was it in the morning? Yes it was but unfortunate for me I was dealing with Zoe all night so I didn't get any sleep. So I'm skipping school today. Well most of it.

(Time jump)

As I was waking up after a well deserved nap I could hear someone call my name from outside my room. Quickly getting changed into my joggers and crop top I quickly walked over to the door. And no I don't run unless I need to.

'Oh Fred what are you doing here.' I say. 'Y/N I need some help. A friendly person of mine has gotten hurt and I need you to help her.' He says. 'Her?' I question him. Surely it's not. No it can't be. Why would he be with her. And why would Fred want to help her. 'Please just help her' he says finally showing me me who needs my help. And when he shows me my heart drops. Of course it was her. Who else would it be?

I decided to let them both in, after all Fred doesn't know that I know who she is to him. He doesn't know what I saw that night when she was practically begging him to take her back.

'Who is this?' I ask with no emotion. 'Just a friend,
She's been hurt badly by playing quidditch and I was wondering if you could help?' He says. Friend. He thinks of her as a friend. Personally I wouldn't call any ex of my a friend but I didn't know what to say so I just didn't reply. I also knew that I can't just leave her like this with Fred asking me to help her. I can't exactly turn around and say 'yeah no, I'm actually the one who did this to her. Sorry!'

I was getting some bandages from a cupboard near by and that's when Fred says 'wait what are you doing?' 'Helping her. That's what you wanted me to do no?'I say putting everything down on the table. 'Well I just thought maybe you just..' he started to say but stopped. 'Just what?' I ask him. 'Give her some of your blood to heal her...' he said quietly. 'Fred are you crazy! Okay no I know your crazy! I can't do that.' I say to him. How dare he ask me that. 'Why can't you It would help her wouldn't it.' He says. Obviously he doesn't understand. 'Fred there are 2 reasons why I can't. 1 is because her injuries aren't serious. If I did it nothing would really change. And 2 it would mean if she somehow dies whilst having my blood in her system she would because a vampire. Meaning I would also have to take care of some hormonal ass vampire who just wants to kill people to feed on. Do you know how much stress that is.' I say to him looking him in the eye. 'I just thought...' he started to say but I cut him off 'thought what? I'd do it to save your first love. I understand caring for someone who used to mean a lot to you. But why are you still caring for her?' I say not realising I had just told Fred I know that that's his ex. 'Wait a second. You know? How do you know she's my ex?' He asks me. Waiting for a reply i say

'People talk. And so do you...'

The forgotten MikaelsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon