Messing With the Cherubs

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I saw episode 7, after seeing that I realized I would have to talk with Stolas. Anyways during the next in between episode mission, we passed by an alley and I saw 3 familiar faces.

Shade: Hey guys, there's something I want to do before going back

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Shade: Hey guys, there's something I want to do before going back. Go ahead without me and I'll call you when I'm ready.

Blitzo: Yeah sure whatever.

They went back to hell and I snuck up on them in the shadows and started singing in Dimentio's 2nd voice.

Shade: So fantastic. Oh, how tragic. Go, this tragic show. Fallen souls!

This startled them and they looked around to find the source of the voice.

Shade: How charming, so alarming. There's no harm in going slightly mad. I perform, a song of circus horns. The angels shunned, by everyone. You'll beg and scream for home!

Their eyes started to water, they were both sad and scared.

Shade: So fantastic. Oh, how tragic. Go, this tragic show. Fallen souls! You have no cause. You shall grow claws. And laugh because you're going slightly mad.

I spread out and casted so much shadow I extinguished the fire and the only source of light was my face. But to freak them out more I put my face everywhere.

Shade: You'll perform, and shun holy norms. Wipe out your lives before, you shall be transformed. You'll beg, for blood and gore!

I finished this with Dimentio's classic smile, on every face.

(Quick thanks to Man on the Internet for making the inspiration for this song

Also thanks to the artist of the image)

I went back to normal and showed them it was just me.

Shade: Me again!!! Hey Collin, remember me? What about you 2 Keens and Cleets?



She charged at me but I caught her and tossed her back.

Shade: Ah ah, I don't think so. Anyways, what did you think of my song? Pretty good, right?

Collin: Wh-wh-wh-whats wrong with you?

Shade: Eh, I just like music. Also I thought it'd be fun to mess with you guys.

Keenie: FUCK YOU!!!

Shade: I'm not wrong though. Don't fallen angels turn into demons?

Collin: I-I-I-....

Shade: Sshhhhh...don't say anything. I know the answer. Anyways I'll probably pop up again. So be prepared.

Cue next mission and meeting with cherubs. I possessed their shadows and messed with them. Moved them around, tossed them around like ragdolls. Don't worry I didn't throw them into a wall. Just in the air.

Cletus: What the fuck is going on!?!


Collin: H-h-h-help meeeeeeee!!!

I them closed their mouths and started to sing.

I made Collin Jevil, Cletus Dimentio, and Keenie Marx. Then let them go.

Shade: So how was that song? Pretty good, huh?


Shade: Hey, at least I'm providing some entertainment. Some music is nice to listen to since you got kicked outta Heaven.

Keenie: If this is your idea of entertainment then your mind is seriously fucked up.

Shade: Alright, next song will be less...possession-ish. But bye!


I shapeshifted to look like King Dice and Oogie Boogie.

I also sucked them into my body so I could create the imagery to go with the song.

Collin: Sh-should I even say anything.

Shade: Hey, at least I didn't do anything too bad. Also that was a song from my world. A video game villian vs. a movie villian, not physically battling, rap battling. Also ya know if you just went to Hell I could help you at least find a job. I could see Keenie in the Lust Ring since I've seen some fire goat demons that remind me of her, Collin I could probably get a job with me and the imps, Cletus I don't know.. Maybe something for Mammon in the Greed Ring? Anyways I'll leave you alone now. Byyyyyyyyyyye. 

I gave them a smiley winky face.

Cherubs pov.

Cletus: Man, fuck that guy. Least he'll stop messing with us.

Keenie: Yeah, if I had to hear one more song from him I would've shot myself.

Collin: I-I-I don't know, the songs actually weren't too bad. I didn't like the 1st time cause he scared me or when he possessed us, but the songs were nice. And he does seem like he wanted to have fun and be entertaining. If he wanted us dead or tortured he would've already.

Collin: I'll shut up now

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Collin: I'll shut up now.

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