Summer Musical

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"Hhhh I'm so nervous for this kickoff performance." I walked down to the theater to get ready for the show extra early. Victor and Rosa follow behind me to drop me off and wish me luck. I ask them both to stay with me for a while.

It's been a while since my last medication adjusent and I've had barely any hullucenations though they still haunt me from time to time. Now that the school year was finally officially over and musical was the last thing to cross off my list I was ready for a break.

I finally accepted that I might not ever be able to go to a prestigious college. But I did manage a Mexican American scholarship as well as one meant for people with schizophrenia thanks to the councilors here at school.

Things aren't all perfect as I wish they could be, but I'm getting through this day by day trying my best to enjoy life.

"Victor. I'm nervous what if my stage presence falls flat tonight."

"J, you've been very expressive all week I wouldn't worry about it to much. They picked you as a lead for a reason."

Rosa yawned and looked through all my stage makeup. "You have more makeup than me dude."

I smiled. "That just tells me you need to step up your game."

"Are you a beauty guru now?"

"Yes. Even though I only ever wear makeup for theatre and have like absolutely no talent."

Victor laughs. "I think I might actually ear the most makeup out of all of us. Rosa do you even wear makeup?"

"What?! I wear mascara, that's makeup. What do you wear?"

Victor opened his backpack and pulled out a lime green makeup pouch. "Just some moisturizer a bbcream and a very light layer of bronzer."

I gasped. "That's why you always look so flawless. And here I was jealous of your natural beauty."

We all shared a laugh and soon they both left to grab food and I met with the rest of the cast to begin applying my stage makeup and getting dressed for the show.

I was playing Romeo from West Side Story. I was determined to make this the best show yet. When the performance finally started I looked out into the audience and spotted my mother and my friends.

At intermission I stood with my Victor and we told me how good of a job I was doing.

I told him that maybe I knew what I was going to college for. "I think I'm going to college for theater."

"That's great. You know I'm going to support you no matter what you decide to do right?"

"I know, that's one of the reasons why I love you."

"I love you too. You better get back to the show now."

Before long we wrapped up the last half of the show and I began to cry. It was a mixture of sadness that it was over and a bit of pride.

I actually did it and I did it well. I kissed Victor on the lips in front of everyone. This was it. I made it through high-school in one piece. This was enough for me.

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