The Guidence Office

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"He doesn't like you."

Rosa's eyes widen. "How would you know?"

I smirk and pat her on the shoulder. "Believe it or not but your not his type."

"No... wait a minute is he gay? Shit that explains why he wouldnt let me kiss him saturday night."

I stare at her blankly bewildered by her assumption. "Just because a man doesnt want to kiss you, does not mean that he's gay. At least he thinks your hot."

She gasps and slaps a hand across her forehead. "He thinks I'm hot, but I'm not his type... and he's not gay?"

"Oh my god so hard to believe!" Rosa slaps me across the shoulder.

"Ok I see your point."

"He told me you stormed out of tutoring last friday. Never told me why though." I exhale glad he didn't give me away.

"It's because he's a douche bag."

A loud voice boomed from the intercom. "Could Jeremiah diaz please come to the guidence office, Jeremiah Diaz to the guidence office."

"You've been summoned." I stand up suddenly feeling uneasy. I wonder why they would want to speak to me at this time.

I take a stroll down to the office purposefully sticking to the longer path. Perhaps if I can get there a little closer to the bell they wont want to talk to me. Still my nerves get the best of me and the clock in the hall begins to talk. "Faggot. They all know your a faggot."

Ah of course the clock is mocking my gayness "I really don't think that's why they're calling me into the office." A freshman boy walks by right as I'm talking to myself. Whoops.

I take a final deep breath before I haul my ass into the guidence office. A nearly elderly blond woman greets me at the desk.

"Hello Jeremiah! I need you too step into my office with me. Don't worry I won't bite." I step into her office reluctantly and take a seat in front of her desk. She follows and crosses her hands in front of her.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Mrs. Ledora. Do you have any clue why I invited you here today?"

"If I did I probably wouldn't have came."

I suddenly regretted showing up at all. "Well I'm glad you came. A classmate, I wont name you voiced their concern for you. They said you gave them reason to believe that you might be experiencing some hullucetions."

My stomach turned and suddenly I was having heart burn, what am I eighty? "I cant believe I trusted that ass hole."

"Anything you tell me here will be your best kept secret unless of course we have reason to believe you're of harm to yourself or others."

"What would you have to do if I confirmed your beliefs?"

She leaned back in her chair and unlocked her hands. "Well, I'd probably suggest we get you into some form of therapy."

"Wait are you gonna tell my mom? What do you think is wrong with me?"

She pushed a candy bowl out in front of me. I took a starburst hoping I would choke on it and erase myself from existence. "Well, I would suggest we talk to your mother together and I would do all the talking. Then she can give us her input and we could go from there."

"Dammit Victor I'm gonna kick his ass... not literally. Please dont take anything I say literally." Mrs. Ledora grins.

"I'll leave the decision up to you because the first step to getting better is seeking help and letting other people be there for you. So what are you going to do?"

"I need to tell her myself. In your office. On friday. If that's okay with you. It's just because then I'll have tutoring and musical and I wont have to face her after school."

"Good job. I know you're going to be mad at your friend for a while..."

I interupt rolling my eyes. "He's not my friend."

"...but I can almost guarantee you are going to thank him later. Try not to give him a hard time."

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