Double Date

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Before I know it it's the end of the school year and I'm officially a junior. My end of the year grades came in and somehow I managed to get mostly Bs with a little help from Victor and Rosa.

Rosa's been seeing a new boy for the past two weeks. His name is Maxwell and like all the ones before he's not exactly a looker, but I have to admit he's definitely charming. When he found out I was her best friend he brought us both flowers. Can you believe that? He must really like her. Now who's the jealous one.

This morning he invited me and Victor to go on a double date with them to which I quickly replied that me and victor are not dating. But I suppose you don't have to be a couple to go on a double date.

My door bell rings and Victor shows up to my door with a blue box. "What's this?"

"Just a little somthing. I figured if I was taking you out on a friend date I should probably get you somthing."

I think at this point I'd rather this be a real date but i can't let him know that or he might see through the hard exterior I've worked so hard to maintain. I've been noticing more and more recently exactly how cute Victor can be. And the more I think about it, the more I realize I might have actually been crushing on him all along.

I open the box and take out a little blue bird broach. And of course I have to hook it onto my scarf. Only Victor would know that I would wear somthing like that. I smile and try not to hug him.

"I figured we'd get a head start to the cafe. Maybe we could go see a horror movie after this." I adjust my scarf in the mirror by the door.

"I should have dressed nicer."

"Oh shush you look hot as hell."

"Woah... someone's bold tonight."

"Must mean my anxiety meds have kicked in." We both laugh.

"Let's go!" I run ahead making Victor chase after me.

I keep replaying his choice of words in my head. Had he really considered me hot as hell or Is that just somthing he said to boost my confidence? I try not to think to far into it.

Most of the dinner was pleasant though a bit awkward between the four of us. Between us not knowing how to include Maxwell in the conversation, and me not quite knowing what to say you can say it became a bit boring.

My friends have gotten used to me not knowing what to say. They say it doesn't bother them when my thoughts become blocked and I go silent but sometimes it still upsets me.

"Still up for a movie. What about Hereditary? I've never actually seen it."

"What you've never seen Hereditary? But that came out a few years ago!"

Victor gave a slight smile and looked me in the eyes. "What if I told you I haven't watched it because I'm afraid."

"Then I'll laugh at you when you jump." I pat him on the head.

It almost feels as if he wants me to protect him, or maybe I just think that because protecting him was my first instinct.

Throughout the movie I find it extremely difficult not to pull him into my chest. What ever happened to me hating this boy. Wouldn't that just be easier?

The sad thing is I don't think he could ever love someone as broken as me no matter how hard I want him to.

"Jeremiah I'm scared," he whispers. I'm not entirely sure how to respond when he leans into me. And of fucking course, I immediately get an erection. Of. Fucking. Course. My gay ass can't even keep it in my pants long enough to watch a movie.

"Jeremiah, I'm still scared."

"Why do you keep telling me this. You're the one that wanted to watch a horror movie." He almost looks frustrated by my ability to play dumb.

He physically takes my hand and rests it on his thigh. Oh... hello. "All better." He smiles. Dammit why does he have to go acting all cute?

We stay silent for the rest of the movie not daring to move, almost afraid my heart might beat out of my chest.

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