I zone out when I have something on my mind

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Stiles POV

I woke up and smiled at the girl laying in my arms cuddling with me. Of course it was the beautiful Kat. She was asleep and was so sweet and looked like a damn angel but you know that saying "Looks can deceive you" well it's not true with her. She was a damn angel. My angel and I love her so damn much. Before I could even think another thought she started moving.. it's like she knew I had to leave soon. We start school.. at I wanna say around 8 and it took around 1 hour and 30 minutes to get here and it's 5:37 which means I gotta go soon. "What are you doing awake.. your never awake" whispers Kat. "Urm.. I don't know.. I'm thinking" I say. "About what?" she asks with a smile opening her eyes. "How I got so lucky" I say. "What are you talking about?" she asked me. "I'm talking about you. Your like the first girlfriend I've ever actually had" I told her grabbing her hand and rubbing circles on it with my thumb. She smiles and leans closer kissing me before staring into my eyes and saying "I'm pretty sure I'm the lucky one to find someone just as dorky as I am". Oh that made me want to kiss her so bad but I held back to let her wake up fully. "Your so damn cute" I told her.

She just smiled and kissed me again then she pulled away with a devilish little smile. Damn she's such a tease and it's kinda hot. One things for sure - she definitely knows what she's doing when she teases me but if I'm being honest I sometimes do it to her too. She looked like she was about to say something before we heard a knock on the door. "You guys up? Or at least Stiles because we gotta go soooon" Scott tried to whisper shout but failed horribly. "Yeah we're up Scotty" said Kat as she got off the bed and stood up. "Oh thank god. Can I come in?" he asked. "No Scotty. We're fucking" I said sarcastically. Scott slammed the door open before shouting my name and walking towards me. Oh no- I probably should've kept my mouth shut. "Scotty. No it's fine" said Kat grabbing his arm. "Calm down" she told him. He nodded and looked back at me with a glare before walking out. "So much for being best friends" I said under my breath. Kat looked at me and broke into laughter. "What?" I say puzzled at why she was laughing. She looks at me and shakes her head before saying "Stiles.. you just told Scott McCall- your best friend and my older brother that you were fucking his little sister as a joke and the truly funny part is you didn't expect him to come at you". I took her words into account and pondered them for a minute before agreeing. "Ok- yeah fine it was dumb." I say. She nods and giggles before walking out of the room.

After a minute later she comes back in the room in new clothes and her chocolate brown hair pulled back into a ponytail letting her ombré blue dyed hair fall onto her shoulders perfectly. "Come on. You gotta get ready" she said walking over to me. "Oh right" I said standing and walking over. "Wait- I don't got clothes" I said and she smiled before handing me a pair of pants and a flannel. "How the-" I started to say but she cut me off. "Lila is my best friend and with her.. you gotta prepare for anything" she said with a slight giggle. I nod and start to walk out before she grabs my hand and pulls me back. "But I thought I gotta get dressed?" I asked before she kissed me and said "I gotta go downstairs so just get dressed in here". I nodded and she walked out shutting the door.

I got dressed and walked downstairs. "Hey Stiles" said Isaac as I came down. I waved and walked into the kitchen where everyone was. I walked in and the first thing I heard was "Next thing I know he's naked on the roof". I watched as Kat spat out a little of her drink in laughter. It looked to be an orange liquid in her cup so I'm guessing it's OJ. "What are we all talking about?" I ask walking in. Lila looks to me and smiles "Your up! Ok so we were talking a bit about Jayden and his few ragers. Oh my god! Kat remember when he pranked me?" asked Lila. "Yeah I do. You guys had a whole prank war after that and it went on for months and I remember because half of the things would backfire and I would be the victim instead of the one of you 2" said Kat shaking her head with a small smile. "Ooh let's hope they weren't painful pranks" said Scott with a slight laugh. "Some were" said Lila. "Most were" corrected Kat with a playful glare at Lila. Scott broke into laughter where as I just kinda stayed quiet.

I don't know why but I don't feel like I should be the one Kats with so I feel really lucky that I'm with her and I hope I never lose her. Now it's not like me to wear my heart on my sleeve I know. I'm usually covering it up with sarcasm and insults but with Kat. I told her everything whether it was something I couldn't tell her brother and I've never had that before. I've never felt I can tell someone anything and I mean literally anything and she'll listen to me. "Alright we should get going" Scott said before grabbing my shoulder. I looked up at him and he said "Dude are you good? You just zoned out for like 10 minutes". Wow has it really been 10 minutes already? I ask myself. "Stiles? You ok?" asks Kat walking up to me. I look at them both and nod before saying bye to Lila and Isaac and walking out to the Jeep. Did I just almost leave Kat without giving her a kiss? Oh no. I walk back in and they both stare at me for answers but all I can come up with is "Sorry?". "It's ok. Are you ok?" asks Kat. I nod and give her a hug and kiss before walking out with Scott.

Why am I all zoned out right now? I'm not sure. I zone out when I have something on my mind. "Hand me the keys" said Scott. I looked up at him and said "What? Why? No- my Jeep." He just stared at me with his hand out. I groan before pulling the keys out of my pocket and placing them in his hands. "Now you can zone out as much as you like. Just get in the Jeep first" said Scott before getting in. I groaned once more before getting in the passengers seat and laying my head back and soon passing out.


Sorry it was such a short chapter but I hope you enjoyed. Stiles POV <3 is always great. So Kiles is still the ship name that I'm going with unless anyone else has any other ideas. If so- comment them pleaseee. Anyways thanks for reading and love yalll ❤️

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