Beacon hills

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Scott POV

We were still in Jayden's room but I wanted to really get to know my little sister so I pulled my mom out in to the hallway and told her that I wanted Kat to come home with us. She looked at me smiling and said that's up to me and told me to ask Kat if she wanted to come home to beacon hills with us. I smiled and walked over to Kat as she and Jayden were talking she noticed me. She smiled at me concerned and asked if I was ok because I looked like I was about to have a sugar crash.

I just kind of twiddled my thumbs for a minute before she said my name. "Scott! I asked if your ok" she said more quietly than my name. "Oh I'm fine" I responded "I just wanted to ask you something" I continued. "What did you want to ask me?" she spoke. I sighed before speaking "Alright so I know it's a little short notice but I wanted to know if you wanted to come stay with us in beacon hills?" I asked getting more quietly as I spoke but making sure she heard. She stared at me with wide eyes then looked at Jayden for a moment before a slight smile appeared on her face. "Yeah I think I would like that" she said well smiling at me. She opened her mouth to speak but before she could a woman walked in with a blond haired girl following behind her.

"Kathrine.." she glared at Kat continuing to speak. "Your awake.." she said in a sarcastically acting happy tone "and... who is this" she continues well pointing at me. Kat starts to speak "Nora, Lila this is my older brother Scott". Jayden blurted out before the woman could speak. "Mom please be nice" said Jayden. It was his mother apparently and it was obvious she had a problem with Kat. "Kat come on let's go tell mom you said yes" I spoke breaking the silence that surrounded everyone in the room. Kat nodded her head and ran towards Jayden and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It was kind of cute to watch actually. Knowing my sister wasn't alone and she was happy because of Jayden made me really like him as her boyfriend. It was adorable watching them when they were together. It reminded me of how I felt about Allison when I first met her.

Kat and Jayden finished saying goodbye as Jayden's mother gave them a look of disgust. Kat walked over to me and held out her hand out for me to grab it and I grabbed it and we exchanged smiles and started to walk out of the room together before the blond girl behind Jayden's mother spoke Kat's name and Kat turned around waiting for her to finish. She walked up to Kat and whispered something no one else in the room could hear but me with my wolf hearing and the two girls. "Are you ok Kat the car crash sounded bad" she whispered and Kat replied with "I am fine Is Jarvis ok?" Kat whispered into the blond girls ear and the blond haired girl whispered back into hers "yeah I checked and he'll be ok thank god". Kat spoke aloud for the whole room to hear "Thanks Lila!". Lila looked confused for a minute but then played along. "No problem Kat" she replied back with a smile. Her mother just stared at the two with an annoyed look on her face. Kat and Lila exchanged smiles and Kat turned around and walked out of the room with me following behind her.

Kat wait up I told her as she rushed to get to her hospital room to see mom. When we walked in the door mom was on her phone. She looked up and got out of her seat looking at Kat and then said "so.. what did she say" well looking at me. I smiled and looked at Kat. Kat smiled at both me and mom leaving mom in suspense.. I already love this girl. "I said yes" she spoke up and everyone in the room lit up with joy at the same time. I couldn't hold in my excitement anymore I ran over to her and picked her up swinging her around. She started smiling and giggling. I put her down and started to speak "so.. I think you'll like Beacon Hills". She gasped and said "wait does that mean I'm transferring schools?" Mom quickly chimes in with "only if you want". She looked at me smirked and said "am I really doing this?". "Up to you" I replied. She looked at mom then to me. "Yeah" she said shocking herself as she spoke. "I guess I am moving to Beacon Hills" she replied and everyone smiled.

Mom was about to speak when one of the doctors came in and smiled at Kat. 'Looks like you've been around" she stated speaking to Kat. "Yeah.." Kat responded. "Alright so you look like your fine but before we discharge you we are required to do a check up" she continued. "Alright please sit down Ms." she looked at the clipboard in her hand "Kathrine McCall" she continued. She checked Kat's heartbeat and looked into Kat's eyes with a ophthalmoscope and her ears with a otoscope and checked her temperature with a thermometer and also checked her blood pressure. The whole process took about 10 minutes. "Alright you look just fine Ms. Katherine McCall" the doctor spoke. "Well let me go get your discharge papers" she finished and walked out the room.

I smiled at Kat and said "looks like your coming with us tonight". She smirked at me and said "yeah I guess so" with a smile creeping up on her face. We waited for about 20 minutes before the doctor came back in with a few papers and handed them to mom. Sign those and you can leave she said while walking back out. We wait another 5 or so minutes for mom to finish the paper work. "Kat I am done with the forms which means all you need to do now is go get your things" mom says. "Alright" Kat replies "but wait can I change first please" she asks. Mom replies with "of course go ahead". "Thanks I'll just be a minute" Kat says. Mom smiles brightly and walks out of the room as Kat grabs a bag filled with her possessions from the car crash and walked into the bathroom shutting the door.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. It was already 6:46 almost 7:00 wow I thought. Before I could finish my thoughts about the time. Kat walked out in a shirt with blood all over the sleeves. Whoa I said aloud for her to respond with "I know I know.. I am just gonna roll up the sleeves". As Kat was rolling up her sleeves mom walked in. "Alright Kat you are officially free" she said and smiled at Kat. You could see it from Kat's face that she was happy. We started to walk out after Kat grabbed the bag and pulled out her phone that had a small crack on one of the corners. We got to the elevator and pushed the buttons. When we got to the lobby Kat looked ecstatic and I felt happy. Happy to have a little sister like her. "Beacon Hills here we come!" Me and her quietly shouted well walking to the car.


Thank you so much for reading!
Please mind spelling, capitalization punctuation etc. errors Thank you!
I will try and update once a day because I love writing for you guys! My Snapchat and Instagram is in my bio if you want to ever talk about any of my stories with me.


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