Amber turned around to face her mother and gave her a soft smile. She had a few hours to think about everything. And her father surprisingly helped her be okay with everything, by just telling her that Natalie deserved to be happy after everything that he had done to her. "Yeah, you know I figured we were going to have that conversation, we might as well have it now."

Natalie sighed and got her coat and shoes off before sitting down next to her daughter. "Well, first of all I am sorry that you found out about it like that. I was going to talk about it when things quieted down with your father." Natalie started saying, but before she could continue Amber interrupted her. And Natalie was thankful that she was not going to say the whole speech that she had practise. 


"Okay?" She asked surprised.

"I'm tired of fighting all the time." Amber admitted. "I'm tired of drama. I want some peace and quiet."

"Amber if you're not okay with Mark living with us it's okay. This is your house too and..."

"No, I want you to be happy." Amber cut her off. "And that's enough to break the awkwardness of the first days. Mark is also pretty cool and if it wasn't for him I couldn't have handled you being at the hospital at all. I like Mark."

Natalie smiled thankful to have Amber as her daughter. "Okay, we need to do this." Natalie got up from the couch and headed at the furniture that the TV was on. It had few shelves in which Natalie had put her CD and vinyl collections. She stayed silent for a second as she tried to find a CD to put on the stereo. And when she did, she turned around and gave Amber a playful look. "Screw 'em if they can't take a joke."

"Oh God, what are you doing?" Amber asked horrified as she realised what her mother was about to do. Something they did a lot when she was a kid and they had a silly fight.

Dancing Queen by ABBA started playing. The soundtrack from the movie Mamma Mia. Their song. Natalie grabbed the TV remote and used it as a microphone as she copied the moves from the movie scene. She remembered every little moment of it, it was Amber's favourite growing up and when she was younger they were usually replaying the Dancing Queen scene.

"Ooh. You can dance. You can jive. Having the time of your life. Ooh, see that girl. Watch that scene. Digging the dancing queen."

"Mom, you're really embarrassing!" Amber laughed and stayed in her seat, refusing to join her mother. 

"Come on." Natalie grabbed Amber's hand, lifting her up from her seat on the couch. And Amber quickly joined her, both of them mimicking the moves Julie Walters and Christine Baranski did in the movie. "...With a bit of rock music. Everything is fine. You're in the mood for a dance. And when you get the chance..." They were using silly prompts that they could find on the living room. Both of them just laughing and singing. 

"Oh move the table, I'm gonna jump like Meryl Streep did." Natalie exclaimed as she got on the couch, jumping up and down as Amber took the coffee table out of the way. 

"You are the dancing queen. Young and sweet. Only seventeen. Dancing queen. Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah..." Natalie jumped up, kicking her feet in the air as high as she could and then she landed gracefully on the floor. She stopped singing and started laughing instead. "Okay, I'm done." She flopped on the couch and Amber turned the music off before sitting down next to her. 

"I can't believe you did that." Amber giggled, the huge smile on her face had started hurting her cheeks. 

"You know honey, I love Mark." Natalie spoke after she caught her breath. "I do. And I am happy with him. And I am happy that you guys are getting along so well. But I don't want you to ever worry that he or anyone else is going to come between us. Because in the end I will always choose you. You are the most important person in my life."

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