Day 28: The Trials

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Cadence watched as the black-haired girl and her friend disappeared from her field of vision, each choosing their own candle. She still couldn't figure out why this girl remembered her. It surprised her, Cadence was not used to being remembered.

Standing alone in the middle of a hundred candles, Cadence fixed her gaze on a candle located near the entrance to the cave. It was her candle. When the Cadence's hand touched the candle, the girl's eyes darkened.

When the darkness cleared, Cadence found herself lying on the grass. She got to her feet and looked around. There wasn't a sound, and that worried her a little. The only thing she saw was the tent, which was illuminated from all sides. It wasn't hard to guess that it was a circus. Cadence made a face. She hated circuses, and especially the clowns performing there. She shivered at the sight of these painted faces. They were terrifying.

But, looking around, Cadence realized that she had no choice and she would have to go into the tent. After finding the entrance, she hesitated a bit before entering. This trial was called The Fright Trial for a reason, it was based on the fears of the participants. So, nothing good had to be expected.

Sighing, the girl went inside. It was dark in the tent, not a single spotlight was on. Cadence cautiously walked forward, into the very center of the arena, all the while looking around so as not to lose sight of anything. 

Nothing happened.

"Strange" - Cadence said, puzzled.

It was at this moment that there was a rustle behind her. She turned around, but found no one. Goosebumps ran down her skin.

"Did you come to see the performance?"

An intimidating voice rang out. Cadence spun around and stared in horror at the creature standing in front of her. It was hard to call it a clown, even though it tried to resemble him. The creature had a bright suit and a painted face, but that wasn't what was so terrifying. Instead of teeth, he had fangs, which were clearly visible because of a wide smile. The creature's eyes were bloodshot, and the suit was torn in some places and generally looked too worn.

Cadence took a few steps back, holding her hands out in front of her.

"Don't come near" - the girl stammered slightly, despite the fact that it was useless.

The creature moved slowly towards the Cadence, its teeth bared in a predatory manner.

"I don't see your smile" - it slightly tilted its head, stepping on the girl.

Cadence turned around and quickly ran to the exit, trying not to look back. She had to get out of here. Once outside, she started looking around for help. In the distance, Cadence saw something similar to a town. She didn't know why, but she felt that she just needed to get there. At that moment, the terrible creature grabbed her by the shoulder, Cadence screamed and hit it in the face. The fist clearly reached the target, as it released her.

Cadence ran as fast as she could towards the town. Here she was in the narrow streets, it was empty. Only a single lantern was burning somewhere in the distance. Behind Cadence, the ugly clown 's growling voice could be heard:

"I'll make you smile!"

Cadence didn't even want to look back, already mentally imagining what kind of picture would be waiting for her. The only lantern standing in the square attracted her gaze and beckoned. She felt that this was the way out. Therefore, starting to run again, Cadence touched it, and at that moment the terrible creature disappeared from sight, as did the whole town. It was dark again.

When her vision cleared, Cadence found herself in a dark room. In her hands she held a white envelope, which informed her about the passed trial and the transition to the next stage. How happy she was that this nightmare was over.

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