Day 5: Favorite moment in Hollowpox

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My favorite chapter in Hollowbox is "The Emissary". So I decided to write about the moment when Squall found out about the opening of borders.


It was already late. Ezra Squall was sitting in his office, sorting through papers and filling out documents. At the moment when he finished his work and wearily leaned back in his chair, loosening the tie around his neck, there was a knock on the door. Squall let out an exasperated sigh.

"Come in!" - he shouted after a pause and straightened up.

Opening the door, his assistant looked into the office.

"Sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but you have received a letter from Ylvastad. And I thought that this could be extremely important".

Squall just held out his hand, saying nothing, and began to examine the envelope, frowning. But then he shook his head and smiled at the woman.

"Thank you, Mary. I think you should go home" - he looked at his watch. - "It's getting pretty late".

"Yes, Mr. Jones. I was just about to leave, but then a letter was delivered and I had to stay".

Squall nodded, and the woman, saying goodbye, left the office. He stared at the envelope for a long time, wondering whether to open it or not. In the end, he put it on the desk and got to his feet, turning to the window. It had been a long time since he had visited Miss Crow, offering her a deal: a cure in exchange for an apprenticeship. And despite the increasingly deteriorating situation, she still has not come to him. After all, she was a damn stubborn girl. Squall grinned. But the grin immediately disappeared from his face as soon as he looked at the envelope lying on his desk and sighed heavily. The letter from Ylvastad did not bode well.

"Well, I don't have much choice" - said Squall and took the envelope from the desk.

Opening it, he pulled out a letter that could only be written by one person - President Wintersea. Unfolding it, he began to read the text. It was quite short.

Mr. Squall,

The Free State Government has accepted an offer of help from the Wintersea Republic. In this regard, today at 9 am, Prime Minister Steed will give an order to open the border between our states. I have informed them that you will accompany me as an emissary, so be prepared.

With all respect,

President Wintersea

Squall's lips twisted. Rage and panic flashed in his eyes as he looked at his watch and noted that it was almost 3 am. He crumpled up the letter and threw it into the trash. He had to do something urgently, he couldn't let her get into Nevermoor. She would destroy it. Squall frowned, weighing all the options that came to his mind. He closed his eyes. There was only one way to prevent this, but for that he needed Miss Crow.

Mogtober 2021 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora