Day 25: An AU

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This is the AU in which Squall has a daughter. She is the same age as Morrigan and is also a Wundersmith. In my AU, Squall is not so evil. I do not know how I came up with this idea. But here we are 😄 I hope you enjoy it.


Alex walked through the main square of the city. Actually, she was supposed to be at school right now, but she ran away from lessons. She couldn't be there anymore, she couldn't be in a place where everyone despised and hated each other. Outwardly, the students, of course, did not show this. They smiled sweetly and were polite, but it was just masks behind which their true feelings and emotions were hidden. But it wouldn't be fair to say that all the students were like that. Some were really kind and sincere, but there were only a few of them. Alex had friends, but that word should have been put in quotation marks. She was accepted into a group of guys, they were all the children of high-ranking people (politicians, officials, celebrities), and Alex was no exception. She tried to be kind to them, they considered her their own. But sometimes the girl simply did not understand them, she was not against jokes, but only until they turned into ridicule and mockery. And this happened very often. When she pointed this out, the guys looked at her in surprise, as if they did not understand the reason for her indignation, and simply shrugged, not attaching any significance to her remark. This annoyed and angered her. Today Alex couldn't stand it and ran away from school, she needed to be alone and, most importantly, away from this hell. She only dreamed of someday being in a place where she would feel like her own.

The weather was overcast, a cold breeze was blowing. Alex wished she'd brought her coat. She was in too much of a hurry not to be noticed. Of course, she could use her powers, but her dad strictly forbade her to use it in public. She obeyed him. After all, she's going to get in trouble for running away from school anyway. She would not like to double her punishment. But Alex did not regret what she had done. A little more and panic would have seized her, everyone was on their own at school and there would be no one to wait for help from. She didn't like fights, violence, bullying. If it was self-defense, then she had nothing against it, but only in this case. In all other situations, she simply shuddered at the cruelty of people, she did not understand why it was all necessary.

A calm smile appeared on Alex's face as she moved further and further away from the school along the paved road. A walk in the fresh air always calmed her down. She began to forget about the horrors of school. There was an official event taking place on the main square today. The men were dressed in formal suits, some were accompanied by their wives. But it wasn't them that attracted Alex's attention, but a girl standing at a distance from everyone gathered. She had black hair and eyes, she was dressed all in black, and her skin was quite pale. Alex wondered why this girl looked so depressed and sad. Alex decided to find out.

"Hello!" - said Alex, coming up to her.

The black-eyed girl jumped in surprise and stared at Alex dumbfounded.

"Uh, were you talking to me?" - was all she said.

Alex tilted her head to the side, examining the girl standing in front of her curiously.

"Of course, with you. Do you see anyone else here?" - Alex giggled merrily and looked around.

"You can't talk to me" - the girl frowned. - "It's not safe".

"Why?" - Alex was confused. - "I don't see that you would be dangerous or want to harm me" - she looked at her intently. - "Or am I wrong?"

"No, no, no" - the girl waved her hands. - "I don't want to hurt you. It just might come out by accident" - she said in a low voice, and then whispered. - "I'm a cursed child, so you'd better leave before anything happens to you because of me and before no one notices you".

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