Day 20: The Gobleian Library

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Morrigan walked along the paved road. A cold breeze was blowing, and Morrigan turned up the collar of her coat and shoved her hands into her pockets. For the beginning of autumn, the weather was quite cold and wet. But this could not spoil the joyful mood of the girl. She managed to arrange with Roshni Singh to let her into the Gobleian Library. It was very difficult, but she coped. Morrigan needed to find that book about the Wundersmiths that she dropped during the bugs attack.

Once in the library, Morrigan immediately found Roshni, who was sitting at the librarian's desk and reading a book.

"Hello!" - Roshni looked up from her book and greeted Morrigan. - "You're just in time" - she looked at her wristwatch. - "I'm sorry, but I can't give you more than an hour. Otherwise we might get caught".

"An hour is enough for me" - Morrigan smiled.

Taking everything she needed with her, Roshni waved her hand to Morrigan, inviting her to follow her.

Arriving at the place, Roshni left Morrigan alone. The girl immediately went to the alley, where there was a sign with a warning about Devilish Court. Morrigan really hoped that the book had been found and returned to its place. Once on the other side of the alley, Morrigan moved into the shelves of books, looking for the right title. She remembered volume's number perfectly. When she reached the place where, according to her assumptions, this book should have been, Morrigan held her breath, hoping for the best. Volume 303, 304, 305, 306... Here it is. 307 is the volume she was looking for. It stood in the same place, as if no one had ever taken him.

Morrigan pulled it off the shelf, squatted down and opened it on her lap. Nine familiar names immediately met on the pages: Odbuoy Jemmity, Decima Kokoro, Griselda Polaris, Rastaban Tarazed, Brilliance Amadeo, Mathilde Lachance, Owain Binks, Elodie Bauer and Ezra Squall. The last time Morrigan had not been able to look at the book beyond this page, but now she had enough time to study the book.

Each chapter of the book described the accomplishments of each Wundersmith and gave some information about their lives. Morrigan already knew a lot about Cascade Towers, Jemmity Park and the Museum of Stolen Moments and even saw them with her own eyes. For the most part, she was worried about the last two names. She wanted to know more about Elodie and, no matter how Morrigan was ashamed of it, Squall. Judging by what she saw in Ghostly Hours, they really were friends, there was no doubt about it. Maybe in this book there is some information about their relationship in adulthood.

Morrigan scanned the table of contents and flipped to the right page. The eighth chapter was about Elodie. At the very beginning, her photo was attached. The beauty of the girl amazed. Elodie stood in a bright blue dress that accentuated the color of her eyes, against the backdrop of a majestic building. Curls fell smoothly over her shoulders, and her hair was crowned with a silver rim. She was smiling happily, full of life.

"She had no idea what lies ahead" - Morrigan thought sadly.

At that time, Elodie was only 24 years old.

Morrigan turned the page, where she found another photo. Elodie was no longer alone in it. There was Squall next to her. Morrigan frowned. Although this man looked exactly the same as now, there was something different about him. Morrigan couldn't tell what it was. Maybe it was his gaze, which then was not as hard and insensitive as it is now. Squall was standing next to Elodie, his arm around her waist. He was wearing a black suit (well, at least it wasn't the gray suit that Morrigan saw him in every time. Morrigan chuckled), his hair was combed back as always. He didn't have a scar yet. Elodie was wearing a beige silk dress decorated with flowers. Her hair was pinned to one side with a hairpin. Both Wundersmiths were smiling. At that time they were still friends.

Morrigan read the inscription under the photo:

"Opening of the hotel "Wunderblaze". The Wundrous Act, created by Wundersmith Elodie Bauer and Wundersmith Ezra Squall. Winter of Nine, Age of the East Winds".

Morrigan had never heard of it. She tilted her head and squinted. This building seemed familiar to her. Morrigan mentally tried to remove the sign with the name and change the color of the building. When Morrigan did this, she cried out, but immediately bit her lip. She shouldn't have been found here. She took another look at the photo and shook her head.

"It's definitely it" - Morrigan whispered. - "There can be no doubt".

She shook her head again, it was hard for her to believe it.

"Although there is a certain sense in this. The original name could not be kept, so as not to remember those who created the hotel, so that there would be no unnecessary questions. And that explains why Squall knew its structure. He was one of its creators" - Morrigan slapped her forehead - "I wonder if Jupiter knows who created Deucalion and that it is the Wundrous Act?"

At that moment, Morrigan heard a whistle. It was Roshni's signal that her time had come to an end. Morrigan took another look at the book in her hands.

"I'll be back" - Morrigan promised, put the book back on the shelf and ran out of the alley.

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