"Do you want to go home and change before we go out?" She asks me as she pulls up at the club. I look down at my outfit.

"No I'll be fine in just this." I shrug.

"You know if you don't feel like going out you don't have to." Mesha reassures me.

"I do. I do." I convince her and myself at the same time. I do want to go out. I just hate the weird cloud of mourning that looms over me today.

"Well text me when you need picked up and you can decide then if you still want to go, okay?" Mesha suggest and I nod.

"Yeah okay. Thanks for the ride." I tell her gratefully.

"No worries, girl! I'll see you later." Mesha leans over the middle console to give me a quick hug before I get out and make my way into the back entrance of the club.

Heavy music floods through the concrete hallway as my heels tap along it till I get to the club entrance. The club is packed already, I think this is the busiest I've seen it. And in a way I'm thankful that I should hopefully be kept busy to distract myself from thinking about my parents.

"It's a big one tonight." Kitty comments, already waiting at the bar for me.

"What's the big occasion?" I ask her, grabbing her list of drink orders and putting myself to work.

"A couple of members are down from the big smoke." Kitty says referring to the larger city a few hours away from us.

"Members?" I frown at her confused.

"Of the club." Kitty shrugs, but eyes me carefully. I feel like she wants to say more but doesn't. Is Kitty holding back gossip for the first time ever in her life?

"Right. I didn't realise they had members." My mouth turns out in a nonchalant manner.

"Uhh yeah." Kitty sounds as if she's not too sure what to say and I feel intrigued by her uncharacteristic uncertainty while gossiping.

"So why'd they come down? Surely there's bigger, better clubs over there?" I ask her. She's quiet for a moment before she decides to speak.

"Look I don't really know what to tell you because I don't know what you already do and don't know." Kitty says honestly and her answer takes me by complete surprise and confusion.

"Do and don't know, about what exactly?" I eye her over the drinks I'm pouring.

"I like you Lips. And I'm not keen to have to be the one that scares you out of this place. We've been through too many preppy bartenders for me to ruin this." She folds her arms over the counter.

"What are you even talking about?" I let out a breathy laugh, befuddled by her words.

"What would scare me? And I thought we decided I wasn't preppy?" I ask her.

"You're not preppy. But you're not like the rest of us either." Kitty concludes and I can't help but frown at her clear prejudice of me.

"Why, because I'm not half naked? For your information it was Seven that said I wasn't to wear revealing things. I brought a whole bag of shit but he didn't like it." I concede and Kitty's eyes widen.

"That was your bag in the office?" She asks and I stack her tray with drinks.

"You saw it?" I frown at her. How could she have seen my bag? Did she go through it?

"Sort of. It was in Seven's office and I caught him looking through it." Kitty admits biting on her bottom lip as if she's concerned about telling me this.

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