Talk with him

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Devins POV
I get off work and start walking to my truck I get in and lay back "hey" molten says "hi" I say and start the truck "your not very easy to scare are you?" Molten says questioning how I didn't jump or scream "I'm use to it had 4 siblings and I got use to being scared anyway we should probably talk somewhere more private" I say driving to the abandoned gas station "also Bryan let me know about it" I say while waiting for the light to go green "what did he say" molten asks I pick my phone up and go to my calls and play the voice message he sent me "hey dev it's bry um look I heard that molten is gonna go pay you a visit at work so be careful ok I love you" Bryan says on the voice message and hangs up "I have a feeling lefty may have told him but besides that I would like to ask you some questions" molten says as we pull up to the abandoned gas station I park the car and get my little freeze in the back and get a coke out and sip it "sure what is it" I say putting my feet on the dashboard "first what else has he not told us and second what does he say about us and third what are you planning to do with him" molten says in a very rude tone "*sigh* ok first Bryan is very depressed and tried to kill himself so may times that I he stoped when I told him if he did then I would to and second he only makes jokes about you guys and talks about how you treat him like a object and also I don't use people to survive unlike you and also unlike you guys I actually respect him" I say molten looks a little mad though "what are you gonna do after this blows over" molten says  putting his feet on the dashboard "we plan on getting married and then moving to the country side we're my family lives we've visited and he really seems to enjoy it" I say "so your gonna take him away" He says glaring at me but I don't get scared that easy "no cause he wants to he just thinks that if he gets ride of the twisteds that you'll actually be proud of him and to let his mind be at peace" I say "also Jon wanted to know what we're you guys doing on April 23 at around 10 pm cause Jon said he was talking to him on the phone and sounded like he was sick or something" molten says looking at me and I look away blushing a little "uh let's just say we were playing around in bed" I say giving him an awkward smile "ok then will I better go if I wanna play poker with lefty bye" he says and walks and and vanishes into the woods I just start the truck and drive back home. When I get there todo is sleeping on Bryan who is also passed out on the couch I get a blanket and put over them and give bry a kiss and go take a shower.
Bryan's POV
I woke to todo sleeping on me and a blanket over me I get up slowly and todo wakes up to I go to my room when I hear the shower I just walk to my room and lay down when I hear todo meowing at something I look and see in meowing at the bunny suit box I got two months ago I get up and open it I remembered that I never got the time to see if it fits I close the door and put it on and I looked at myself in the mirror I looked good but you could clearly see my ass sticking out as I was looking I heard the shower go off I then get my jacket and cover myself with the blanket.

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