Chapter 21: Hats and Red tape

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Chapter 21

Salix and Hedera were ploughing their way through a three course breakfast in Pansey's kitchen when a loud bang came on the door, she scurried to open it

" Are the visitors still here " said a deep voice from the other side

" Yes they're 'a in' their brekkies " said Pansy quite defensively

" Well I need to have word "

" Suppose you'd better come in then "

A small squat man with a large belly, a black suit, knee length boots and a top hat leaning to the left walked into the kitchen. He had a thick greying beard and acompanying moustache that covered his mouth,when he spoke his breath wafted the smell of  gunion across the table

" The name's Jobsworth from the immigration board, I have come to enquire how long you intend to stay "

He handed Hedera a small tatty piece of card. On it was his name and credentials


Immigration Director

This took Hedera by surprise as he thought they were guests of honour

" Well at least a few days , we need a good rest before we move on "

" A good rest me lad , you can't rest here , you have to be part of the working community if you intend to stay over three days. "

" What !!! " gasped Salix

" Yep havn't you noticed you havn't been asked for board an lodging, you have to earn that then the local co operative will pay Pansy for her time and provisions to put you two up. Whats yer trade ?"

" Well we were both farmers until there wasn't much left to farm " said Hedera

" That's good, that's good,  we need farmers " Said Jobsworth excitedly " report to the dept of jobs at 11 of the morn and we'll get you on a casual worker's contract, Pansy 'll show you where it is, I'll fill in yer paperwork to stay as long as yer want and send it here. Good day gents " Jobsworth tipped his hat and exited as quick as he'd arrived.

" I'm not workin, IM NOT HAVIN' THAT " bemoaned Salix " Come on Hedera we're packin' "

"Salix have you forgotten something ?"

" No I don't think so "

" The girls "

Salix stopped and thought for a second


" Where's this office Pansy " he said  promptly whilst shovelling his breakfast down his throat, " Good, mmmm, this is real good Pansy, is there any more ? "

" It's amazing what food and woman can do to a man " said Hedera winking at Pansy.

At 10.30 Pansy finished her chores and called Hedera and Salix from their room where they had been having an after breakfast nap. They had been discussing how they should go about meeting up with Jasmine and Japonica but couldn't think of anything. In the back of his mind Hedera was formulating a plan but wasn't sure if he should execute it as he had no evidence at this moment. Maybe if thay stayed a few more days he could get the proof he needed to get the leverage to see the girls. They came down to the kitchen ready to meet with the department of jobs

Pansy took them across the square and into the business district just behind the bowling alley. She stopped at a medium sized grey building. It had a large Romanesque style façade which was far too large for the actual building, the pillers on either side dwarfing it.

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