Chapter 15 : Unrest in Sequoia

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Chapter 15

Back in Sequoia City things had deteriorated, the brook within the Lilac forest that supplied the main  water supply was running low, the reason was not know but presumption concluded that most of it was evapourating in the intense heat. A few conspiracy theories wre being banded around, one being that the grand council were filtering it off somewhere as they didn't appear to be suffering as much as the general population. The truth was they were as desperate as anyone else, keeping up appearances to keep as sense of calm within the city.

Another more right wing view was that a tribe further up the river were damming it, eventually when all of the population were weak they would come and take the defenceless city. Carduss a strange prickly character was trying to establish a revolutionary or underground resitance group to go and find these people and take them out. Unfortunately he wasn't in possession of the full facts that Hedera and Salix possessed since their adventure had begun, that there wasn't another civilisation holding them to ransom. Luckily he wasn't able to recruit more than a handful of people so his movement became more of an entertainment than a threat to anyone. It also supplied material for the local rag .

Unfortunately Carduss tried expressing his views to Maranta and the council on a paticularily hot and sticky day ending up in the dungeons for his efforts. The echoes of his rants could be heard from below the city at night, his gruff voice carrying on the breeze though the silence of the industrial sector and daily hub bub of commerce. After a few weeks they ceased, some said he had escaped others presumed the worst. As months drifted by the folk law grew as others were convinced they could still hear his rants upon the wind. The fact of the matter was he had been released, met a nice young lady who had smacked him round the head, knocked him in to shape, told him not to be so bleeding stupid and shut his ranting. After a de -prickling shave he was unrecognisable and lived under the thumb unhappily ever after

The mighty Sequoia, the tree the city took its name from, had shed most of their foliage and were looking in a very sorry state. It was amazing how a few years could kill something that had taken maybe thousands to grow. This was havinga direct impact on the infrastructure of the city. Buildings were beginging to dry out completely, the outer layers were turning to dust, gradually returning to the earth they had been made from. It was becoming increasingly difficult to preserve food which was turning acrid in the intense heat. The council had a large chiller installed  below the court house, that could hold essential central rations, but again suspicion was being raised that they were skimming goods for themselves.

Gloxinia could sense the unease within the community and wondered where the Quest seekers had got to. She hadn't heard anything for months since they left, indeed were they even carrying out their mission, if they didn't hear soon then who knows what would happen. Gloxinia had decided to move out of the Palace against the wishes of all her advisers and courtiers, she was living in a guest suite of a Hotel on the main Piazza. This enabled her to be seen among her people sharing their hardships at first hand. Her generosity was well known as she would hand out supplies to those too weak and suffering most.

Maranta called an emergency session of the Grand Council and representatives of all tribes and species were invited to attend.

" We will have to initiate action to ensure all are equally provided for " He solomly announced " Each head will submit their specific needs to try and survive this catastrophy , we will try our best to meet them. I am sure some can support others but overall we have to work together until Hedera and Salix return from their quest. Food and water rationing is going to be the way forward from now on"

This was the only solution and hope he could give them.

" Meanwhile our top engineers, are as we speak, working on a way to protect and save our City "

There were many ideas flying around the most ambitious to place a large canopy over the city but such a feat of engineering had never been attempted before, the pro's and cons were weighed up and weighed up again, the main fear being that in doing so they may well kill the Sequoia and if the Quest were successful they were no better off than now. The main limitation was their knowledge , all the construction within the city was clay brickets and mud render, strong but needing multiple pillars to hold any roof construction the size of a city.

" We could dig down suggested another, the ground is cooler below "

" But it would undermine the city and cause total collapse "objected another

"I have heard of a new material, highly reflective neither metal nor cloth, apparently other tribes use it, maybe we could source some of this and cover our homes with it as protection " came another

 " But where do we find it ? It could take ages and on return all would be lost anyway "

" We must try "

" Where "

" We don't know "

" It's hopeless "

" For goodness sakes has anyone got any ideas ? "

" Dunno have you "

" No "

" No...could do with a drink , coffee? "

" ye' why not "

" Come on, all down to Moonbucks for a coffee "

Little did they know if they were willing to go and look, a source for the material they required was only a few days away on the now quiet battle field where Hedera and Salix had already passed through. The think tank yet again fell into general disarray, the main purpose of their objective being lost, they always spent hours debating the demise of the city rather than finding a solution.The general apathy was seeping through out the hierarchy of the city. Even those who were normally logical and rational were not thinking clearly, all they could could see were the obstacles and reasons not to, or a good reason to procrastinate down at Moonbucks, it would need someone to kick them into positive mode to resolve this, and who that was at this stage, no one knew.

Gloxinia meanwhile kept the spirits of the people level by organising events within the Piazza trying and keep their minds off the gravity of the situation. She had not given up hope and still had a sense of hope within her. Something was telling her all was well, it was as if the elements were talking to her subconciously reassuring her that Hedera was still progressing and he would return. Was this the hope she needed to encourage the city or should she not say anything for the fear of being ridiculed then that would cause her to lose all face and respect she had gained among her people. She thought it best not to say anything just in case it was her own inner self playing tricks with her mind.

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