Chapter 9: The sunken Palace

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Chapter 9

  “ Ye hat was too close “ Hedera sighed in relief  “ Glad I didn’t go head first down that lot. Wonder where it goes “

“ There’s only one way to find out “ called Salix as he disappeared round the top flights in to the murky light below.

“ Do you think that’s wise “ called Hedera

 “ Dunno but what the heck ” Salix’ voice was becoming distant with an ever increasing echo as he gradually blended into the darkness below, “ There’s still no hand rail but it’s ok if you stick to the wall”

 “ Salix come back you twonk, you don’t know what’s down there “

 “ Too late Salix was out of earshot, all  Hedera could hear now was the distant clickety dump,clickety dump of Salix’ feet as he galloped down the stairs.

 “ Oh well at least it will be cooler down there , SALIX WAIT FOR ME “

“ It took at least 3-4 minutes of continuous galloping until Hedera reached the bottom , it was pitch black, he could hear Salix panting in the dark

 " Salix is that you “

 “ Yes “

 “ Oh good … dark isn’t it? “

 “ Well ye' Hedera, I can see that ..or not as it is. “

 “ Hold it”

 “ Hold what? “

 “ Nothing I was just saying “

 “ Oh “

 There were a few clumps bumps, rattles and the sound of things being dropped on the floor,

 " What you doin Hedera”

 “ Wait a minute.. no .. mmm …no..yep ah got it  “

 After a couple of seconds silence Salix could hear Hedera fumbling around in the dark once again,

 “ Back ..side .. front …upside down…click!!… there we go “

Salix listened intently as a whirring emanated from where he thought Hedera stood, a high pitched buzz started to fill the immediate area, he listened intently for a couple of seconds before declaring

 ”messy squitos”

 His exclamation crescendoing into a girly scream

 “ Calm down man and wait “

After a few seconds a single star appeared in the darkness, then another, and another until the whole area was bathed in a neon blue glow

“ Ooooh lighty bugs “  squealed Salix with delight “ Where you get them “

Lighty Bugs  Lighty bugs are almost the same genus as glow worms. Their wings are shaped similar to leaves so when dormant they can cluster together and give the appearance of a small bush. They tend to stay together in their birth colonies of one egg cluster, as many as 300-400. This means they develop, fly and sleep together as one. Males have bigger balls ( on the end of their tails ) which emit light. The female’s are more delicate but still give the same power of emission. Scientists have not been able to establish how they communicate yet , it is thought to maybe be a form of telepathy. This ability reduces the chance of predators wiping them out as it prevents anything entering  the ‘pod ‘ or individuals leaving when all the others are dormant, thus giving away their location. Mating season results in a vivid display of sky painting as they dart around leaving intense trails of light behind them. Some survival experts say that lightly roasted they do not taste unlike prawns, ( That’s if you can catch or find them? )

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