Chapter 4:Supersonic sausages

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 The two companions shot out the end of the pipe their bodies contorted to the shape of a sausage. They hit the ground, slid along creating a plume of dust behind them. To any onlooker it would have appeared totally spectacular,like a torpedo skimming the surface of the ocean on it's way to it's folly. Fortunately there was no one there to see it. They had emerged out side the city walls just beyond the main gates. Two Wort guards were on guard duty playing cards for their weeks grunts. They were so engrossed they didn't see the two supersonic sausages appear from the end of the sewer outlet and disappear into the under growth.

The two lay motionless, unconscious as their contorted and compressed bodies gradually expanded into their true selves, it was like a rebirth, from a wrinkly new born to a little pink bundle of joy smelling of talcum powder, cooing and gurgling, eyes transfixed on its mother caught in wonder and awe at the world around it. The total trust of an infant in it's mother, the bonding, the ...sorry went off on one there!!!?

As the sun set over the horizon they subconsciously crawled further into the under growth covered them selves in large wild rhubarb leaves to protect themselves from the cold night air and fell into a deep sleep. There were moments of pain, moments of relief washing through the two companions, their minds not able to comprehend the vastness of what had just occurred, nothing within their life experience to compare to, there was just an inner submission that the event had taken place and an acceptance deep inside that they would never understand. Hedera drifted in and out of reality all night displacing him from Botanica, another land, dreaming of his fair maiden , a song he was composing swirling in his brain,

 Picture yourself in a wonderful dream

A beautiful girl by a bubbling stream

 You gently speak, she turns to you,

 You're stunned by her smile

 And her eyes of deep blue.

Welcome to the world of the rainbow,

 Pure are the colours hung in the sky

 Here in the world of the rainbow,

 Forget all your worries

 Let them drift by,drift by, drift by.

Your voice is carried away by the wind,

 No one can hear you, your mind's in a spin

 The sky takes her eyes stunning true hue

 I want to take time in the Rainbow with you.

Welcome to the world of the rainbow

 Pure is the love that runs high

 Forget all your worries

 Let time gently drift by

 Drift by, drift by.

After a time you gently awake

Never forget the time that you take

 Is it reality, is it a dream,

 The rainbow to you is all it may seem

Welcome to the world of the rainbow

Pure are the emotions that flow

 And whenever I feel that I need you

 I know that's where I will go

 Into the world of the Rainbow

 The Rainbow...........the rainbow.....the....

Mmmm.....nm..nm.nm.. he let out one last grunt and was gone, gone into a deep dreamless sleep. They may have been exposed and vulnerable out in the cold night but  for some unknown reasoon both companions felt secure and protected at the same time.

Botanica ( A true quest )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant