Chapter 16 : Salix' dots

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Chapter 16

Meal over Hedera and Salix inspected their belongings, a bit damp but otherwise intact. For the first time in ages Salix felt he had eaten, he wasn't so sure if he wanted to go for the toned lithe look, he would rather be the cuddly roly poly type, it took less effort. Anyway he hadn't been short of a girl, a girl, well that was just about it and that was quite a few years back. Maybe the toned look would be better, oh well he'd think about anyway. He longinly looked at the remains of the hog, Hedera knew that look

" No Salix you can't finish it, we need to save some as we don't know when we will eat next "

" AAwww why not, anyway we've got our own flying barbeque now, we can eat when we want"

" That's if I catch anything, I was lucky this time, depends what's around "

" That's not necessarily so Salix, Ceropegia says she was lucky this time, but not always"

" Will you stop this telephony stuff it's freakin' me out " shouted Salix

" OOhh the chubby ones getting techy " sent Ceropegia

Hedera found this quite amusing and started to chuckle again,

" Alright what's she said this time " Salix was getting quite huffy

" Nothing it's O.K. , honest, nothing "

" I don't think I like this , you two can have a laugh at my expense when ever you want"

Realising this could drive a wedge between them Hedera quickly changed the subject

" Shall we move on, the snow appears to be getting heavier " he suggested

" Yes lets " agreed Salix as he knew it would take the attention away from him.

Thay rolled the remainder of the hog in a cloth from Hedera's pockets and placed them in Salix' sack.

" There we'll trust you with the food, if we make fun of you , you can refuse us food , deal?"

This gave Salix a sense of power, he was quite happy about this.

" Yep let's go then "

Salix and Hedera started to step out across the plateau but before they had even managed a couple of steps they were scooped up on to Ceropegias back, she started a lumbering take off run. It was quite bumpy , Hedera and Salix hanging on for dear life as they were jigged up and down.

" Never done this with a rider before " she said " so bear with me , it will get better I promise"

After a few more lunges she had reached take off speed, with one graceful swoop Ceropegia  spread her wings and an ungainly lumbering beast became a precisioned graceful creature. At first the rapid pulsating tempo of her wings sounded like the slippage of a mighty steam train gaining traction upon it's cold metal tracks, but once height was gained the tempo settled into a measured beat that became reassuring and relaxing. Hedera and Salix hung on for dear life as, for the next five minutes, Ceropegia gained altitude, the snow drove intensly into their faces. The speed Ceropagia had now reached was now causing it to sting slightly,

" Ow that stings thought" Hedera

" You need to cover you face next time " came the silent reply

This was still slightly freaky to Hedera he kept forgetting Ceropegia could hear him. As they gained height the snow became thicker and she bagan to labour,

" I was aiming to get above this , but I think it's too high, I won't make it with the two of you on my back "

" Don't worry, do what you can " replied Hedera

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