Chapter11 : The repeating Bow

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“ Thuk! Thuk! Thuk! Thuk! Thuk! Thuk!”

The noise was about a 15 second blast accompanied by a blanket of arrows flying overhead.

 All four hit the ground

 “ What was that “ Hedera whispereed in fright

 “ The new weapon developed by the Buxus, the repeating bow, it’s lethal, can spray 100 arrows in seconds, carnage, sheer carnage, we’ve been trying to stop it for days but cant get near it “ explained Jim

 “How many of them are there” inquired Salix

 “ We think there’s only the one, that’s all they need , the range is phenomenal, at least 2000 yards, dunno how many spits that is, I would hazard a gues of at least 1500 “

“ One thousand five hundred”  gasped Hedera “ I thought Salix did well when he did 903 at the archery contest, jeeeze  “

“Yep and that’s big ones coz the Buxus aint exactly small “ added Jim

“ I can’t see it “ Salix was scanning the area from between the tall grass he had parted like a pair of curtains

 “ You won’t it‘s sitting five hundred spits or so back in the rocks, all we can do is keep feigning attacks  just out of range to draw their fire , hopefully they’ll run out of ammunition.”

 “ Doesn’t look as if they will the rate it’s going at “ said Salix

 “ How come the big pause between each rally “ asked Hedera

 “ That’s what makes us think they’ve only got the one “ replied Jim “ It’s a begger to reload, I saw one demonstrated a year or so back, you have to remove a safety cage, load a minimum of eight magazines, each holding ten arrows before it will reactivate.”

 “ And that’s it’s weakness” added Salix

 “ Yep “ agreed Jim

 “ What havn’t you been able to get near it “ Asked Salix

 " Too well defended, we’ve tried all sorts, long range attacks but it’s in a sort of bunker, small reccies that try to infiltrate their troops but can’t get beyond the lines in the rocks, they know all the united tribes and can smell a rues a mile away. We’ve tried direct large scale attacks but again just drove us back “

 “ Why haven’t you gone round their flanks “ Salix asked

 Hedera was quite amazed by Salix’ knowledge of manoeuvres

 “ Can’t , well defended two miles either side, if you look beyond there “ Jim pointed way off into the distance either side of where they were “ there’s just sheer rock , they’re in a deep natural valley and we can’t get em out “

 “ How the heck do we go on then “ questioned Hedera

 “ You’re gonna have to take your chances straight through the middle, we can take you through no man's land,  leave you at the edge of the rocks but that’s as far as we go” Jibb explained, “You’ve got a better chance than us because they haven’t seen the likes of you before, you’re the first Dwinip and Keeble with the nuts to come this far, little own go further “

 This made Hedera and Salix feel quite important and brave, well if they didn’t make it at least they would be known as the most travelled pair from Sequoia City.

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