Chapter 20 : First Date

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Chapter 20

Everyone partyied hard into the evening, by 8 of the eve Hedera and Sailx had had enough of the noise and commotion. They had got used to their own company spending quiet evenings in the mountains or forests. The last time they had been at anything of this magnitude was when they spent the night with Hebe's a few weeks back, even then it was lot gentler than the rock band that was booming out in the background.

" Let's slip away from this " Hedera suggested to Jasmine

" Daddy wouldn't approve "

" Right , I've had enough of this " he said in a commanding fashion

Hedera made his way from the dance area where the four of them had been head banging to the number one band, Metalurgica, up to the head table,. He made a direct line for Basil who still sat in his chair slightly slumped with a wonky grin across his face,

" Excuse me sir could I have a word " said Hedera gently tapping Basil on the shoulder

" Aaah Headbangerer, my dear fellow how are ooo "

" He's slightly tiddled " said an apologetic Rosemary

" No worries " replied Hedera seeing the opportunity

" Sir, Salix and I would like to walk out with your daughters if we have your permission "

" I wash young once you know " he started " How doo yoo fink I met my Wosey babes, I wash bit of a bug in my time yoo know , now look at me, all the reshponsiblitees I've got , inclooding my daushters, young man I cannot allow yoo to to that "

" But sir they are only going to show us around "

" Here dear have another drink " Rosemary passed him another stein sized cup and smiled at Hedera

" No No No I shay "

" Drink up dear "

Basil took a long draw on the drink and promptly slid under the table

" You are quite welcome to walk out with the girls, take good care of them, which I'm sure you will, and have them back by 10 of the eve " she smiled at Hedara again and turned to Basil

" Darling are you alright , what are you doing under the table ?"

A loud snore emitted from underneath the tablecloth. Rosemary smiled once more, put her finger on her lips, turned and disappeared into the crowd. Hedera thought he saw her being taken by the hand but he couldn't be sure as there were quite a few similar dresses in the crowd also most of the ladies had long hair .

Jasmine and Japonica took them out of the town , twisting and turning through various lanes and alleys till they reached the outskirts. The sun was setting outside the dome, the red and golden rays cut through the hundreds of pains of glass, each sending out masses of shafts, exploding where they crossed, the whole dome looked as if it was bathed in a silent firework display.

" Wow that's amazing " sighed Salix

" It happens every evening " replied Japonica " Come on this way

The girls lead them over stiles and across fields with different crops, they ducked through hedges and jumped fast flowing irrigation brooks that ran into each field unti they came to a small hill. It took a couple of minutes to reach the top and they stopped.

" Here " declared Jasmine " This is our favourite spot "

As they turned to look back at the town the final rays of the sunset were casting a deep red glow across the back of the dome and the town. One by one the town lights came on as the shadow of night slowly crept in. A gentle orange glow radiated from the streets and the distant noise of the celebrations drifted on the breeze that continually circulated the dome.

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