Anastasia, my countryside sweetheart

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I was unsure of where I landed, but I knew it was a slightly more elevated platform because I tripped over my own sneakers and fell to the ground. I thought, "Why am I even upset?" I shook my head.
Before I could start whining about my feeling of despair, a soft hand gracefully brushed against my shoulders which soon led to a grip.
"My dear, are you okay?" A voice behind me asked. It was like heaven opened up its gates for me. The sound was as soft as the rain that I used to watch race on the car windows. The sound was so ethereal, I would've guessed an angel sang to me. I quickly wiped my fiery tears off to clean my blurred vision so I could see the person behind the sound.

I saw a fair girl standing in front of me. The girl knelt down to my level. Her doll eyes carried both a raging ocean in storm and also the tranquil waterfall that endlessly poured from St.Luz's mountain back at Cruzcaster. It was a deep shade of blue, the prettiest colour I had ever seen. She had long, golden locks of silky hair that glowed when rays of light hit it. It was so lively, full of adventure. She was wearing a lavender dress with beautifully dotted circles and an English collar. Very elegant. She had buttons in the shape of a flower. There was a Pearl in each button. She was also wearing Mary Jane Platforms which made her seem a bit taller than normal. She was very pale, her skin colour was almost white.

She gave me her hand which I immediately took. Her hand felt like moonlight.

She took both my hands once I got up and looked up at the sky, which I copied. Drops of rain fell on my face. The fair girl chuckled elegantly. "It's raining, let's go inside," the girl dragged me to the nearby mansion that I almost ran into (if it weren't for the pavement).
The mansion looked like a castle, it had around 5 floors including the roof. It was really big. I wasn't sure if I was about to be lured in an evil castle to be feasted by vampires but if a girl this pretty was a vampire, I wouldn't mind her sucking out my soul. She brought me to the room underneath her stairs.

"Let's sit here, Mother told me to go outside while the maids were cleaning," she said as she lit a candle inside the small room, "this will do."
"The floor looks crystal clear, they're still cleaning?" I asked underneath my breath.
"They cleaned this floor already, they're moving on to the next ones. Guests are coming over tomorrow," she answered.

"What's your name?" It was her turn to ask questions
"May, May Limbo."
Her eyes glistened, she smiled. "That's beautiful," She complimented, "I'm Anastasia Blackwell."
I blushed, it suited her. A pretty name for a pretty girl. I almost said it out loud.
"Hey Anastasia—", she covered my mouth.

"Shhhh," she whispered, "I think they can hear us."
She opened the door to have a small peak and closed it back. Anastasia took my hand and we took the run, she grabbed an umbrella for both of us on the way out, I think the maids noticed.
"Anastasia! What did I ——- shoes in the ———" the shouting was a bit muffled, especially after she closed the doors in front of them.

I saw that the mansion was on a hill, since I could see most of the neighbourhood from the view up there. I had no idea how I ran over here.
"How about we go somewhere," Anastasia opened the umbrella, "where they can't find us."
"mhm," I agreed.
                                Anastasia held my hand and began running down the hill with me. There were concrete steps helping us to get down safely instead of tumbling on the wet, muddy grass. I've never had a dream this pretty. It was better than most dreams I had. I was looking at her the entire , watching her golden locks flow and her Pearl choker dangling from her neck. I was in love.
The rain began lashing down even more, but I wasn't worried, as long as I was with Anastasia, it was fine.

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