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The summer breeze knelt before the car, Mr Limbo didn't care of the scenery, or the dreamy sky. It had been raining terribly throughout the whole of last week. I'm so glad it stopped raining, the sky is clearer than ever before, it was never like this. I never saw the sky this blue, or the sun this close. Mr Limbo only cared about providing enough for me, which he shouldn't worry too much about. We live in a middle class home in the city of Cruzcaster, Mr Limbo has a well-paying job as a surgeon. He rarely comes home most of the time but when he does, he always tries to spend time with me. I find it very sweet. I'm also very excited to see my relatives. He says I've seen them before but I don't remember them. I'm only going to the countryside for summer because Mr Limbo can't carry too much on his shoulders, but I think it's because of something he didn't want to tell me. A few weeks ago, I heard him and what sounded like my principal talking about ways for me to be more social instead of pushing away others. All the while, Mr Limbo looked gloomy and only gave short "sure"s and "I will"s.

Sometimes I feel like a burden to Mr Limbo. If I weren't here, he wouldn't have to worry about what's on my plate.

I already packed all the clothes I liked with some other necessities. I think I may have overpacked but I'll be staying here for a month so I ought to make the most out of it. Here are some of my selections of outfits. I'm really excited.

I bought some from the thrift shop just before the journey, I think I would fit in by wearing these

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I bought some from the thrift shop just before the journey, I think I would fit in by wearing these.

                       Mr Limbo gave me a small budget, so I had to buy really cheap ones

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Mr Limbo gave me a small budget, so I had to buy really cheap ones. They look bloody awesome, though. I look like a strong adventurer protagonist in an awesome movie about nature. Just like the movies Mr Limbo downloaded for me when I was like- 4?

                     I still brought some of my old clothes (the old clothes Mr Limbo didn't donate to our local orphanage

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I still brought some of my old clothes (the old clothes Mr Limbo didn't donate to our local orphanage...) Most of my outfits are from Adidas, or have a leafy pattern. Most of my shorts are jeans but I occasionally wear others as well. And of course a belt, to spice up my final look.
Well, other than the outfits, I bought stacks of cheap jewellery, forgotten scrapbooks about the beauty of nature and just other stuff that I needed (but wanted more). I've been looking forward to this trip for weeks and I may have gotten overboard with it.

Mr Limbo wanted me to be productive during the summer there instead of just sitting on the soft grass doing nothing, so he bought me a journal, your regular A4 sketchbook and some magazines of the fantastic tourist sights there.

                     If I'm honest, I'm no good at drawing, but everything I do seems like an accomplishment for Mr Limbo. I can't describe how happy he was when I said my first word, or how worried he was while I was at my first day of school. He truly cares a lot, even if he is busy. Mr Limbo described the countryside to be breathtaking and peaceful, but I'm not sure if he's completely telling the truth. Nonetheless, I'm really excited. Maybe I can make friends there, or maybe not, knowing how my mood changes drastically whenever someone comes up to me and is being all "touchy-touchy".

I'll be missing Mr Limbo while at the countryside, he has tried so hard to make me happy ever since I got adopted. I'm still not sure about my passed mom, Mr Limbo always brushed it off by saying that she just couldn't handle the responsibilities of having a child at her age, she was only 18.
At Cruzcaster, I didn't like the people there. Especially ones at my school. They just overwhelmed me  and always exceeded my boundaries because I was a foreigner. I can't control myself, I almost pulled a box cutter at one girl from my class for being too touchy with me. I can't socialise with other people at all. Everyone at Cruzcaster thought I was a self-cantered brat who thought she was "too good" for them there. I hope people at the countryside don't think the same.

My Countryside SweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now