The Chase

409 9 7

Watch the episode above before reading this chapter!


A lot has happened in the past few days, like garmadon is now the ninjas roommate and their Sensei is suddenly back. Kai finally was able to unlock his true potential and he saved Lloyd life. But most importantly the green ninja is Lloyd, which suprised them. However they can't train him yet as all of them are quite busy with locating the last fang blade location. Though that's the case, it atleast allows Garmadon to catch up with his son.

They're all worried about what happened to the fang blade that was on the fire temple. Their best bet was that it's destroyed in the lava. Sadly it wasn't the case as Phytor now got his hands on it and the ninjas doesnt know about this yet. If Phytor acquire the last blade then it would be grueling task for them to stop him. That's why they're playing it safe by attempting to pin point the final blade.

Even though Sensei Wu has been away for a while, he still managed get up early. Carefully he got out of his bedroom trying his best not to wake up his brother and nephew. He went to the kitchen to boiled some water for his tea. It's been sometime since he last drink tea. After enjoying his drink, he got up and headed to ninjas room.

The ninjas were all able to sleep comfortably again after Garmadon stops becoming their roommate. He has decided to share a bedroom with his son and his brother rather than with the ninjas. Kai was most happy when he found out he doesn't have to share a room with Lloyd's father any longer. Especially because how he would taunt them when they're trying to sleep. Sadly their pleasant slumber won't last forever.

In the bedroom

Sensei Wu slowly open the door and go inside to find his students deep asleep. As much as he doesn't want to disturb them after a long week, he still needs to train them. He began banging his gong which created a loud noise. The sound of the metal stick hitting the plate was so sudden it made all of them jumped a bit. They all whine and tries to ignore the sound but their master was obviously not going to let them rest.

"AHHH FINE WE ARE UP!" Jay toss his hand in defeat as he's laying down in his bed.

"Sensei you do know we have a alarm clock right?" Cole slowly rubs his eyes.

"Yeah... You don't need to use the gong anymore..." Kai mumbled as he doze off again.

"I do know that, but your alarm won't be enough to wake you up!" Sensei Wu walks towards Kai's bed before snatching the blankets off from him.

"Why have you decided to wake us up early? Is there trouble that we need to attend to?" Zane got up from his bed.

"There's no trouble yet, but we do need to be prepared by training." Wu tossed aside Kai's blanket, as he groans in the background.

"OO maybe you can teach us new stuff now that we've unlocked our true potentials!" Jay claps his hands in excitement.

"What about the blade? Shouldn't we focus on locating it?" Cole asked worriedly.

"Yes of course, but just incase we don't get our hands on it atleast we would be able to fight back." Master Wu sighed thinking about the worst possible scenario.

Glacier, Behind The Scenes (Zane x Cole) (ninjago)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon