The Stretch

456 13 13

Watch the episode above before reading this chapter!!!


Last time they were able to Infiltrate and spoil phytor plans. Now it has been a few days since the ninjas manage to halt the serpentine tribes from uniting. Though all of the snakes race are currently out of their tombs, atleast they're farther than ever from bringing chaos upon ninjago. But as you know evil never rest and that's why the ninjas shouldn't either.

In the sleeping quarters
Moring time

It was quite early and the rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The light of dawn slowly seeped in through their bedroom window revealing to them what time it is. Gradually the light made their way to ninjas face and eventually waking them all up, except for the earth ninja who's apparently still deep asleep.

Kai and Jay got off their bed and hurried onto the bathroom. Meanwhile Zane rub his eyes and rises from his bed, but instead of rushing after the others to restroom, he stayed behind and starts tidying his bed and then Jay and Kai's. After all he's gotten used to cleaning after everyone else.

After he's finished, the white ninja noticed that his friend Cole was still fast asleep. Zane contemplate on how he should wake him up, at last he figured that a gentle tap would be the best way. He lightly set down his hand on the black ninja's shoulder and started tapping. Sadly that wasn't enough to wake him up. Zane then lean down close to Cole's face.

"Cole wake up." the white ninja whisper softly

The black ninja slowly opened his eyes to the familiar sound he heard. It took him a few seconds to adjust his vision and figured out that Zane was the one who awaken him.

"AAAHHH!!!" Cole screamed at the fact that their face are almost touching,, Zane repel away in shock and in disgust of Cole's morning breath.

"My apologies, I didn't expect that reaction from you." The ice ninja stand back and lend a hand to help him get up

"No, I'm sorry for screaming at you buddy..." Cole took his hand and got off his bed.

"WHAT HAPPENED???" Nya suddenly appeared on the doorway and look around the room for trouble.

"Everything's fine, I was just surprised by Zane waking me up..." Cole stare at the floor with his hand scratching the back of his neck embarrassed.

"Phew... Thought you were in trouble, anyway I'm going back to the bridge cya!" Nya turned around and quickly head back to where she's usually stationed.

"You should go get ready first, I'll be tidying the room for a bit." Zane starts fixing up the black ninja messy bed

"Okay... I'll see you later..." Cole makes his way to the bathroom

In the bathroom

Cole can hear a little quarrel outside of the bathroom door. He opened the door only to find Kai and Jay who's finished showering. They're brushing their teeth while discussing about the identity of the samurai who saved them from the serpentines a few days ago. The earth ninja joined them to brush his teeth too, but couldn't be bothered to contribute to the conversation.

Glacier, Behind The Scenes (Zane x Cole) (ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now