Chapter 45: Rainbow Cherry Blossoms

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As the next couple days passed we had fixed the damage that was caused in Magnolia. As the time went on I was ten times better as Gramps had ended up using some of the rent money to repair the town, but it's better that way. For one, we wouldn't be considered the ones who was responsible for the situation. As for today I was helping Mira with the decorations for what was happening tomorrow. I was wearing a f/c two part dress that ended before the knees. I also wore black peep toe wedge boots. As the guild then begin to become really rowdy. Like normal we was putting together the prizes and everything. The guild was drinking as I helped Mira serve drinks. Gajeel was complaining about why everyone was so worked up.

"Jeez Gajeel. How about you learn how to live a little." I giggled as I gave Macao his drink.
"Y/n, you look really pretty today. If I was Natsu I would make sure no one would touch you." Macao flirted.
"Aww. Your sweet and I may be a cutie, but you ain't getting that drink for free!" I giggled as I walked away leaving Macao in shock as Juvia then began to freak out.
"He's gone!" Juvia whined.
"Don't worry Juvia. I know Gray and he wouldn't intentionally hurt someone unless it was Natsu." I chuckled.
"Yeah, but Natsu would never leave you alone!" Juvia whined.
"That may be true, but he knows I can handle myself." I chuckled.
"But there both with that blonde bimbo!" Juvia cried as she then flooded the guild.

Once we got the guild nice and dry, Natsu and the others soon returned. We then both went home for the night. As the morning soon appeared, I quicky got out of bed. I put on a cute pretty pink dress that resembles the color of the cherry blossoms. The dress went a little passed the knees as I also wore my white peep toe wedge boots that made me sparkle. The sleeves of the dress was similar to Mira's red dress and I wore my normal lightning bracelet. Natsu soon got up as I had just finish making breakfast.
"Y/n you made breakfast!" He asked.
"You never cook." Happy stated.
"Well to be honest I thought today I would, but if it's not as good as Mira's please don't hate me." I whined.
"Well I don't know what you fixed but it smells good!" Natsu stated with a smile as he took the plate.
"Well it's sriracha biscuits and sriracha scrambled eggs. With extra spice just the way you like your food. Happy I got you fish as well." I stated with a smile as I grabbed my plate that had less sriracha in the food. Natsu soon took a bite as I had just sat down beside him.
"Woah. Y/n..." Natsu stated with food in his mouth.
"You don't like it do ya." I sighed.
"No! I absolutely love it! Your a fantastic cook!" He exclaimed as he shoved the rest of the food in his mouth. I blushed a bit as I took a bite of my food. It was just alright to me, but I didn't mind because I also had a Hot tottie as well. Soon we got up and begin to walk out of mine and Natsu's home as I had just finished locking the door. Natsu soon grabbed my hand as we went to check up on Lucy who I heard was coming down with a cold. I had also made some soup today and I decided to bring it to her. Once I did she stated she wouldn't be with us today as she said she really wanted to, but that she couldn't because she was sick. We then left and went to the guild. Once we got there we notice how everyone was outside in South Gate Park in Magnolia. They had saved a spot for Natsu and Me as we sat down on the soft white, turquoise, and yellow blanket they had laid down. Elfman was stating that flowers were manly as soon the guild caught a hold of me.
"Wow. Look at Y/n." A member mumbled.
"Yeah. She looks at pretty as the Cherry Blossoms." Another members chimed.
"How has Natsu not notice how pretty she is today." Another members added.
"Guys just shut up. She's pretty and all, but she's taken now hush." Cana growled as she took a sip from her barrel.
"Y/n you look really pretty today. Did you do it to see if you could get the pyro to notice yeah!" Gray laughed.
"No. I just love the Cherry Blossoms so I decided why not dress up to look like I belong in with them." I chuckled as Natsu then pulled me back and laid his head on my shoulder.
"Gray stop flirting with my Thunder Thighs." Natsu stated as a little growl came out.
"Umm! You and Natsu are a thing!" Wendy stated as her face turned as red as Mira's dress.
"Don't worry Wendy. We'll try to behave in your presence." I giggled as I looked up at Natsu who had his arms around me protectively.
"Why wouldn't you behave around a child!" Carla stated.
"I don't know." I sighed looking the opposite way.
"Y/n, you okay?" Natsu asked.
"Yeah. I just feel bad for Lucy." I said with a sigh.
"Hey don't worry! We'll go check on her later until then enjoy the party! Have fun!" Natsu stated with a smile which made me smile.
"Yeah! She wouldn't want me to worry so I should spend my time here and make it count." I stated as Mira soon brought us all a bingo card. We soon got really excited as we push the center of the card through. Soon number 24 was called as I had the number and Natsu didn't. I had punched it through to show I did.

"Aww. I'm sorry you didn't get the number. If I win I wouldn't mind sharing my prize with you." I stated as I moved my head back to look at Natsu. with a smile.
"Me either." Natsu stated as he then kissed me on the forehead. I blushed as I moved my head back down as Mira then called the next number.
"Number 37!" Mira called as Natsu had that number as I did not.
"Maybe well both get the next number." Natsu stated.
"Yeah." I sighed.
"Number 52!" Mira called as Natsu and me both had that number. We then punched our card to show we had that number.
"Yeah! Woohoo!" We called as we both had the number.
"Number 43!" Mira called.
"Damn!" Cana growled.
"Aww." Levy sighed.
"Number 5!" Mira called.
"Yay! I have that one!" I stated as Natsu soon cuddle up against my neck as I could feel the softness of his scarf.
"Numbet 68!" Mira called.
"Bingo!" Erza called.
"Awww. I didn't have that one." I sighed.
"I did and look I almost have a bingo!" Natsu stated as he showed me his card.
"That's awesome!" I exclaimed with a smile. As Mira then gave Erza her prize which was a wilted herb Team Natsu picked yesterday. Soon Mira called a few more numbers as Cana soon got a bingo. And then Mira called 115 and three different people got a bingo. The prize was two tickets to Arkane resort. I was kinda glad I didn't get a bingo because I was afraid that something would happen just like last time. As time went on Natsu and I won five hundred jewel and a snow globe that reminded me similar to the snow globe Laxus bought for me. Except it had the cherry blossom trees inside the snow globe it was cool. As time went on we laughed and chuckle as Natsu soon found a nearby flower and picked it. He then place it in my hair as a Cherry blossom leave fell and landed right in mine and Natsu's hands. It was a heart. I guess even the Cherry Blossoms knew we belong together. As night soon came about, Natsu and I then both saw the Cherry Blossom soon turn rainbow. It was so pretty. As time went on Lucy soon came out to see the Cherry Blossom trees. She looked a lot better and she told me my soup really helped.  I had a fun night and I hoped Natsu and I would continue to have our own fun.

As the next couple days passed Wendy soon went on her first big job. From the same dude that made us work three weeks doing some play. As for the day before yesterday we had our 24 hour endurance race with Happy being our winner then Carla and Wendy. As for the punishment games was the loser would have to pose in Sorcerer Weekly in terrible and embarrassing outfits. Which we had a four way tie for last place which included Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, and Jet.

As for yesterday I went on a small mission and I came back today. I had quickly went home and changed into a more comfortable clothes which was a f/c crop top that hanged off the shoulder, and I also had a black skort on. I then wore black peep toes wedge boots. Which I ended up falling into my closet because Natsu was having a bad dream. He then quickly got out of bed and we then went to the guild. After almost getting hit with a table and Natsu kicking some ass. I then finally got to see if Laxus had sent me any mail, in fact he did. I then sat down at a table and read the letter.

Hey Y/n,

I've heard a rumor, and I know you won't be upset about it because I heard he's returning. Gildarts is coming home.


Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora