Chapter 29: Tower of Heaven

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We had just arrived at the beach and we were having a blast. Since my motion sickness is less horrible now, I can ride in boats and other things. Natsu and I was water skiing, but Natsu was having the puke face, like normal. He begged me to let him off when it was his idea to begin with. I was wearing a f/c bikini, and I wasn't afraid to show my new scar. Even though it still hurt like hell.

We were now playing volleyball, and Natsu picked me up bridal style afterwards. He was running with me in his arms. We we're all so happy, and we hadn't had that in a long time. We were at Akane Resort one of Fiore's most famous vacation spots. It's beach was really sparkly, and the skies were so blue. It was like heaven.

We we're having so much fun that Natsu then came up with a plan.
"Hey, y/n. I'm going to steal Gray's swim trunks. You think that would be funny?" Natsu asked.
"Yeah go for it!" I laughed as Natsu then grabbed Gray's swim trunks. Gray then used Happy as a hiding shield. I was laughing hard and so was Natsu.
"Give them back! Natsu!" Gray yelled.
"No way man!" Natsu laughed.
"Give them back Natsu! This is not cool!" Happy cried.
"I don't think Happy likes being used as a cover up." Lucy stated. As Natsu finally gave Gray his swim trunks back and we then relaxed a bit. The sun was falling down fast. I had just changed into f/c dress that look similar to Lucy's and I wore heel like boots. I put my hair up in a half up ponytail. I then walked out of my room and the boys had just left to go play some games in the casino. I had followed them. I was with Natsu most of the time making sure he didn't try to destroy the place. Natsu called on the number 17 and he thought he won, but he was wrong. He was cursing at the machine, and a man told him to calm down as I agreed with the man. I quickly walked away as I saw Gray was playing poker.
"Hey Gray. How's it going?" I said as I stood behind him as I placed my arms around his neck as I laid my head gently on top of his head. I then took a quick glance at his cards.
"Well for one I can simply say that those two are swore losers." Gray said with a smirk.
"Oh come on now. We both no we would be the same way they are, maybe a little less angry." I laughed.
"Yeah definitely." Gray agreed.
"Gray, my Darling." A voice said that made me look up from Gray's cards as I removed my hands. I looked up to see Juvia one of the element four.
"What a minute I remember you." I growled a bit inside.
"Gray, I'm Juvia. Don't you remember me?" Juvia said with a smile.
"Yeah! Your that chick from Phantom!" Gray growled as I turned and looked at Natsu and I sighed.
"So your Y/n! Love rival." Juvia growled.
"What was that?" I asked as I turned around looking back at Juvia.
"Nothing." She said sweetly sick.
"Okay whatever. Anyways Gray, Imma go find Erza and Lucy I'll be back later to check on the pyro." I laughed.
"Alright see ya, Y/n. Just be careful. Any guy's give ya the weird look just--" Gray said as I cut him off, "I know! Kick him in the jewels."
I then left to go find Erza and Lucy. I found them and we all played a card game together. Which soon commotion started to happen.

"Hmm. What's all the commotion about?" Erza asked.
"It sounds like the parade has started outside." A guy in a weird costume said.
"Makes since." Lucy said.
"Yeah. It does." I smiled as we continue playing cards. I then folded and went to find Natsu and Happy. I walked to the last place I saw them which was by the big machine. I walked over there to see Natsu being held against the machine.
"Natsu!" I exclaimed as I saw a man holding a gun with a red dot at Natsu. Happy flew behind me as the man turned and looked at me.
"Y/n get out of here while you still can!" Natsu yelled.
"No! I won't leave--" I begin to say when the guy grabbed me.
"The beautiful Y/n Dreyar of the Fairy Tail Guild. Now tell me, where's Erza." He demanded.
"Never!" I growled as electricity begin to surround me.
"Fine then." He said as he punched me in the stomach. I gasped out in pain as he continued, "Fine then doll, if you won't tell us then will be taking you with us. Besides she's not the only one we'relooking for."

Soon then the lights went out. The man still had his grasp on my arm as he shot a shot at Natsu.
"Natsu!" Happy and I cried as then the block man hit me and knocked me out cold. The last thing I remember was the lights coming back on before everything faded to black.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now