Chapter 14: Missing S-Class Quest

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Next day...
I woke up this morning to my alarm clock going off. I got up and turned it off as I did I expected Laxus to come into my room and turn it off, yet he didn't. I went to my closet and put on a f/c crop top that was sleeveless. A pair of s/f/c really short shorts with a black see-through skirt around it, with my new white boots and my new white and s/f/c cape that had a hood as well. I also had on black ankle socks as well. I then put my hair up into a ponytail. I then grabbed my f/c purse and walked down stairs. I ate a few berries and a apple then went and washed my hands. I then locked the door as I exited my house.

I then walk to the guild. I walked in through the doors as I waited for a certain salmon pinky to run towards me and knock me down on my ass. He never came.
'I guess he really did go on that job request last night.' I though and I then sighed as I walked past the rest of the guild and over to the bar by Gramps and Mira.
"Good morning Mira, Gramps." I said as Mira gave me my normal wake up juice which was f/d.
"Good morning my child. You look lovely this morning." He stated.
"Thank You, Gramps. This is the newest outfit Socercery Weekly sent to me. Well part of it." I added.
"Hmm." Gramps sighed.
"Hmm. What's the mater, Gramps?" I asked as I took another sip of my drink.
"Y/n, I've notice that the guild rent is due soon and that the normal wizards I sent to go and get the rent money is no longer here at the moment. Can you be a doll a go on a mission for me?" Gramps stated and asked.
"Hmm. Yeah! Of course." I said with a smile.
"Thanks my dear. Please find a mission that'll you'll be back here before a week." Gramps added.
"Of course. I'll check the S-Class board, and if not I'll check the regular job request board." I said with a smile as I downed my drink and made my way up stairs. I scanned over the S-Class jobs as most of them seemed like they would take longer than a week. I've been thinking about taking the cursed Island of Galuna, but that was already gone. I thought maybe Laxus took it as I notice Mira come upstairs and add a couple S-Class to the board. I sighed as I walked down stairs towards the job board. There was a couple easy ones. Which was tending crops, another was working at a restaurant, a different one was modeling clothes. I found one that I was about to take which was at the peace village not to far from here. All I had to do was defeat some monster and I'd be fine. I was about to pull it off when Mira caught my attention.
"MASTER! I don't know what's happened, but one of the S-Class quest are missing!" Mira exclaimed as she ran down the stairs behind the bar and stop on the second to bottom step. Gramps took a drink of his tea and then spit it out.
"What?!" I exclaimed.

"What! One of the S-class jobs from the second floor is missin'." Wakaba stated.
"Anyone knows who took it?" Macao asked.
"Well it's either someone really strong or a complete idiot." Laki stated.
"Who the hell would go on an S-Class quest if there not an S-Class Wizard!" I growled as I tightened my hand up into a fist.
"A little blue feline flew up here and wripped it off the board." Laxus stated.
"It was Happy!" Mira and I exclaimed.
"He must have stolen it for Natsu, Y/n, and Lucy." Wakaba stated.
"Well that's definitely not for me! I'm here not with those three!" I growled.
"What were they thinking! They're insane." A member exclaimed as I tightened my fist tighter.
"They've got some nerve taking on an S-Class job." Alazack stated.
"I wouldn't call it a nerve, but I definitely call it stupid." Bisca stated.
"That's a serious violation of rules. Hey Gramps! Stuff like that'll getcha kicked out of the guild. Am I right? It's not like those three dumb asses are gonna make it back alive from an S-Class quest." Laxus stated smugly as I ran up the stairs behind Mira.
"Laxus! Why didn't you stop 'em!" Mira and I stated as she bent over and looked at Laxus who was sitting with his feet on the table and his arms crossed.
"Why didn't you!" I growled.
"Jeez, lighten up. All I saw was a blue cat flying off with a peice of paper in its mouth. Trying to act all sneaky. I had no idea it was Happy, and besides Natsu isn't cleared for S-Class. I'd never thought he'd break the rules." Laxus stated with a smug smile on his face. Mira then gave Laxus a serious look that looked like she could easily kill him, if looks could kill that's for sure.
"Hm. You haven't given me that look in a while." Laxus stated which made me jump a step back. Which also made me think when she did so when they were kids.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now