Arthur was just barely asleep when the sound of soft voices woke him.

"Even after I saved your life, you can't trust me, can you Emrys?" Mordred's voice reached Arthur's ears. He didn't turn or show he was awake, but rather stayed very still and listened to what the sorcerers had to say to each other.

"I want to," Merlin replied. "You are a fine knight and you didn't have to help me."

"Yet somehow that isn't enough," Mordred's voice sounded frustrated and Arthur couldn't blame him. Even he didn't understand Merlin's attitude to Mordred. They both had magic. Didn't that make them the same?

"I'm sorry," Merlin replied.

"It's alright," Mordred said. "I know you have the king's best interests at heart. One day you will understand that I do too. Then I hope we may be friends."

"I could wish for nothing more," was Merlin's answer.

Then the two fell silent. Arthur just couldn't figure it out. Given all he now knew about Merlin's actions these last ten years, it only made sense that he'd be on good terms with someone who saved Arthur's life. Now Mordred had saved even Merlin's life and still Merlin was wary. It didn't make sense.

Arthur's thoughts ran round in circles as he lay by the fire. Merlin had said his distrust was nothing Mordred had done so far. The way he'd said it had given Arthur an idea, but surely it was impossible. Merlin was powerful, sure, but he didn't have knowledge of the future... Did he?

Arthur put the whole thing out of his mind. One problem at a time. They were here to heal Guinevere, and he needed to sleep if he was going to take on tomorrow.

They began their journey again the next day. Merlin floated the supplies while Arthur carried Gwen. Walking slightly ahead of them, Arthur was still able to catch Mordred's question about the banners that lined the path. Merlin explained it meant this was a sacred site for those who follow the old religion. Merlin's magic elegantly explained his moments of wisdom and knowledge in such matters over the years. He'd always given such weak reasons for his knowledge in the past, making Arthur quite unsuspecting that there was any true intelligence behind them. Playing the idiot had been his cover, and it had worked almost too well. Even so it made Arthur think back to those times with new eyes. With his mind reliving the past, his feet continued walking the path ahead.

"It's not far now," Merlin said. "This gorge leads to the Cauldron."

Just then, they heard a screeching sound, and fire rained down in front of them. Something had flown overhead. Arthur was already moving to find cover when he heard a loud deep voice speak in what could only be described as another language. Turning, Arthur saw that the sound was coming from Merlin.

"I've stopped her dragon," Merlin said with his normal voice again. "But if Aithusa is here, that means Morgana isn't far away."

"What just happened?" Mordred asked, but no one answered him.

"You two need to keep going," Merlin said. "I'll hold her off."

Arthur was just about to say no, when he realized it was actually a rather good plan. All those years Merlin had just seemed reckless, he'd actually been strategic.

"Alright, but we can't heal Gwen without you," Arthur said. "So don't die."

"I'll do my best," Merlin laughed. "Now go!"

For once, Arthur did as he was told, taking Gwen and quickening his pace in the direction of the Cauldron as per Merlin instructions. Mordred kept pace with him.

"Do you know how Merlin did that?" Mordred asked. "That dragon was going to burn us alive, and then it just stopped."

"Remember when we saw that dragon in the clearing?" Arthur began. Mordred nodded. "Well as far as I understand it, Merlin is a dragonlord. I don't really have any details, but as he called the dragon by name I'm guessing he knows a lot more than we do."

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