America knew this, but didn't seem to care all that much. After a few minutes, he went back into his room and set Matthew on his bed, covering him up, before smiling at him and going to his desk; his mind overflowing with intrusive thoughts.

He glanced over at Matthew, tilting his head a bit, his thoughts unintentionally getting darker and darker, but he did nothing, and did try to keep them at bay. He soon looked down, sighing deeply, pondering about why he was getting these thoughts all of a sudden, since they came out of nowhere, and weren't the best of things.

A cut in the video, and now it is night. Canada was downstairs yet again, doing whatever to keep himself company, and was growing tired. Like earlier, he glanced up at the door to his and Alfred's room, tilting his head. America was acting odd, he just isolated in his room, unlike how he normally is, and he hasn't come out during the entire day... Matthew shook this off, not wanting to get himself too worried over nothing, though he was growing more and more confused as time passed on.

He sighed and stood up, making his way to the door - to at least get some sleep. He just opened it, not really thinking anything would be happening inside the room, and he was right, but that doesn't exactly mean it was a normal thing.

Alfred was at his desk still, laying on it with his arms surrounding his head, as he would occasionally murmur something under his breath, unable to be heard. Canada frowned, going up to the American and shaking his arm to get his attention, and did quickly, as America looked down at him quickly, seeming a bit out of it.

America smiled widely down at him after a short amount time, tilting his head. "Yeah?" He asked, making Matthew sigh slightly shakily from his staring. "Why... Were you just... What were you doing in here?" He asked, fumbling over his words, new found nervousness taking over his actions. America smiled more, looking away from him, making Canada sigh in slight relief, though didn't know why.

"Weeeell... I was thinking... You know how Europe has been... Conquering, a lot of land recently? Well... I've seen that and they seem to get more powerful the more land they have... Maybe... I should do the same..." He said, his grin growing more as he spoke. He looked back at Canada for confirmation about what to do, somewhat deranged that sent shivers up the colony's spine. "W-well... I... I guess... How much land do you think you'll need...?"

America hummed, tilted his head to the other side, laying on his arms once again. "I was thinking about heading west, going sea to sea.. after that, I think maybe the Caribbean or something, something... Close to home, yknoooow?" He sneered, looking back at Matthew, who felt a wave of anxiety rush over him. "W-well.... Alright then... But... What would that make you...? Y-you... Uh... Are taking things over and.... Y-yeah.." He stammered, growing less confident the longer he continued on.

Alfred took a few moments to think, making Matthew worry for if he had said the wrong thing, but was relieved again when he started to talk. "Well... I wouldn't think of myself as, any different, y'know.. Since, going west doesn't seem too bad, and... I won't be out to conquer everything just... A bit of it, just so that I could be powerful like they are, so I don't see it as a problem." He shrugged as Matthew nodded, looking down. "But... Isn't Mexico and France like - "

"In my way? Yeah. Though... I've seen barely nobody out there, which is a bit if a problem for them... I could send more people out to live there and... Yeah... That could work..." He ended with mumbles, smiling to himself as he thought everything over. Matthew nodded, though couldn't help but wonder about something.

"Okay, though... What about... Me...?" He asked, much softer then before, looking up at him with a frown, fearing for himself slightly. The nation's smile faded fairly quickly, as he looked over at him, sighing a bit. "I... Wouldn't think people would try to do anything... I mean... After what happened, I'm sure we wouldn't do anything.. and, I'll uh... I'll try to not let them, alright? You... don't need to worry about that..." He said quietly, looking away again, as the two went silent afterwards.

America soon felt something cling onto his leg, so he looked down to see Matthew hugging him, to which he rose an eyebrow. The Canadian soon looked up, and smiled a small bit, hugging him more. "Well... Jus'... Just think about what your doing, okay? I... Don't want you to be getting into any danger..." He said softly, looking away awkwardly, as America felt a smile grow onto him.

He picked the smaller up, holding the Canadian close to himself, which was insensitive for Matthew to hug back. "I will, don't you worry.." He reassured, rubbing his back gently, making Canada smile faintly, feeling himself fall asleep and he moved closer to America, curling up in his arms.

The younger smiled more and laughed quietly, standing up and taking him to the bed, to let him sleep, but Canada wouldn't let go on him. This earned an amused sigh to escape him, as he looked through a window, seeing it was dark, and just now noticing how tired he felt. The American sighed, figuring it wouldn't hurt to get some sleep, and got into the bed as well, falling asleep quickly afterwards.

~~tImEsKiP bEcAuSe I cAn-~~ (this was so badly written I'm sorry-)

A few days after this (and against his promises), America hasn't been leaving his room at all, talking to himself time to time also.

This grew the Canadians concern, but whenever he brought it up, America would always push it away as him figuring out what he wanted to do, and would always somehow reassure Matthew into thinking it was fine, although, the Canadian knew it wasn't. Matthew had begun to see his twin was descending into madness (basically), and the smaller honestly had no clue as to why.

One day, France sells America his lands westward, to help them both, making things a lot easier. France said he needed the money for a war (while America really didn't care), but it helped him with his aspirations.

He bought the land, it helped the both of them at the end of the day.

The Frenchman stayed a few days after this transaction, wanting to check up on the two anyways. For the time he was there, he noticed America's 'condition', and didn't like it all that much. America would only talk about land conquests or more random things, which was mostly what was happening internally; which seemed like a lot but he wouldn't say anything about it.

This was worrying for both Canada and France, but they wouldn't get too see him all that often, since he stayed in the room for most of the time, only coming out when he really needed to; which, even then, wasn't that much. Though, as time passed he grew increasingly more quiet, seeming to be getting more stuck in his head. Whenever the two would talk to him, though, he would respond and would engage with the conversations, so the two didn't worry as much because of that, though did seem off when he would talk.

When France left, Canada decided he would need to watch over America, to make sure nothing too bad is happening with him. However, that would be a bit difficult with him staying inside the room constantly, and not talking about what was happening to him. He just figured he'd have to deal with it, as at this moment in time, went upstairs to do just that, hoping he would get over it soon.

The twins frowned as the memory was paused. They remembered now what was happening, and didn't like it. America knew for a fact he wouldn't like this, as that time wasn't too fun for him, though Canada, and for that matter everyone else, were morbidly curious of what happened, the FCE in particular, though Canada asked what was happening, he didn't get much of a response, and America just started to walk to the next room, fearing silently to himself about this.

2174 words

((Hallo! So, im kinda wondering if you guys would want me to like, rewrite my earlier chapters, like, the first ten or something cause, honestly, I think I've improved, and it's kinda like, bugging me somewhat, idk. Tell me what you think, and I would think that is all I have to say for right now, so, buh byeeeeeee~! :D

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