Alice nods and shared a look with Lance, something that thankfully goes unnoticed by Gladys and FP.


The best way to break the ice is by adding alcohol to the mix, or at least, that's Hermione's motto when she brings out a bottle of vodka and announces a round of "Never Have I Ever". Fred had suggested Charades instead, figuring it would be a little less risky of a game to play when they're first meeting someone. He quickly lost that fight when Gladys agreed to the pre-suggested game, and accepted a solo cup from Hermione.

"Never have I ever been caught sneaking out." Fred says. Everyone except Alice drinks. "Come on you've never been caught?"

"Please do you think my mom cares? I don't even think she knows when I am home half the time."

"That's a good point."

"And usually when I do leave this one follows me so she knows I'm safe somewhere." She gestures to FP and Fred laughs.

"So your mom is putting the well-being of her daughter in FP's hands, that's concerning."

"My turn!" Alice announces, shrugging off Fred's comment. "Never have I ever... got so drunk I puked on my dad's brand new recliner and then went to bed and pretended it never happened." She smirks wickedly in FP's direction and his mouth falls open.

"That's not fair!" He groans, knowing he's the only who can drink to it.

She shrugs her shoulders. "Drink up Jones."

"Fine," he chugs back some of his drink and locks eyes with her and Lance. "Never have I ever hooked up in a strangers game closet and knocked over nearly everything on the shelf."

Alice gapes. "It was one game!"

"So what I'm hearing is, you two have to drink up?" He smirks.


Lance tips her drink towards her mouth. "Fair is fair babe, you did the same to him."

"Ok my turn," Hermione announces. "Never have I ever, done it in public. Parties don't count." Eyes flicker around the room until they land on Alice, the only one taking a sip. "Really? In public?" Hermione gapes.

"I'm shocked you haven't." Alice scoffs. "It's so thrilling."

"Where was this hookup?" Lance questions, a smirk on his face as Alice's cheeks blush under his gaze.

"I was dating this guy last year and he invited me to a family barbecue. We were in the hot tub, we got bored, we were alone and well..."

FP laughs. "I remember hearing about this."

"You did it with his family around?" Fred gasps.

"It was dark, they were all sitting on the lawn chatting away, we were all alone."

"Isn't that sort of disrespectful?" Gladys asks. "I mean you're invited to a family event and you go and defile their hot tub?"

Alice blinks. "I didn't... it's just a funny story to look back on."

"Not to whoever went in that hot tub next."

"I'm pretty sure we weren't the first ones to fool around in there." Alice points out. "It was just some harmless fun that's all."

"It seems like you have a lot of harmless fun." Gladys decides. "The game closet, the hot tub."

"Gladys-" FP begins but Alice cuts him off.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alice questions, a little hurt by the insinuation in the girl's comment.

"Yeah what does that mean?" FP asks her, a little offended himself.

"I don't mean anything rude by it," Gladys insists, trying to quickly backtrack. "I'm sorry if it came off that way. I guess I'm just a little taken aback by how open you are."

Alice smiles a little. "That's okay, I probably should watch what I say I guess. We've only just met."

"I'm just not used to the group dynamic is all. And hey, I'm not completely adverse to wacky sex stories."

"You aren't?" FP smirks a little. "Do tell."

"Oh yes please do." Fred agrees.

"Let's just say, I learned the hard way that sex on a beach is not as romantic as the movies may have you believe." She divulges. "Sand gets in places you never want to have sand, it's hot, and sticky and overall not a great time."

"You know I can second that," Lance agrees. "Not fun for either party."

"Well there's goes an item off my bucket list." Hermione pouts.


After countless rounds of "Never Have I Ever" and a bottle of vodka later, the clock struck midnight and the group called it a night. Everyone said their goodbyes to Gladys and FP drove her home, discussing the night and how it went, assuring her that they'd do it again soon.

He really does think it went well, sure there were some bumps in the road but that was bound to happen, after all it wasn't smooth sailing letting Lance in, even if that was admittedly more on him than anyone else.

As he pulls back up to his trailer he notices Alice sitting on her front porch. "Hey you, I was starting to think you weren't coming back."

"Waiting up for me were you?" He makes his way over to her and joins her on the step.

"Did Gladys have a good time?" Alice asks.

"She did, at least she says she did. She was kind of nervous going in but I think it went pretty well." She nods. He raises an eyebrow at her and nudges her with his elbow. "What did you think of her?"

"Well... she's a fireball." Alice decides, making FP laugh.

"Is that your polite way of saying you don't like her?"

She puts her hands up in defence. "Hey, if she makes you happy, I... well I guess that's all that matters."

"I am." He assures her. "So do you approve?"

She tilts her head back and forth, unsure how to answer. "That might be going a little far." She decides, but smiles sweetly at him. "That being said, I don't think anyone will ever be good enough for you."

"Using my own words against me, nice."

"It's true." She tells him, setting her hand on his shoulder as she stands. "If you'll excuse me I'm going to go take an aspirin and sleep until noon, because I can already feel a hangover coming on."

"That's what you get for trying to sabotage me in never have I ever."

"I was only going to do it once, you're the one who made a game out of it." 

"Yeah yeah, I'm sure you did." He chuckles and starts to make his way back to his place. "Night, Al."

"FP?" She calls, making him whirl back around. "Just... don't settle, that's all. If she's it, that's great, but if she's not, if there's someone else... life's too short, ya know?"

He smiles at her, a solemn smile that she can't see, the words twisting like a knife in his gut. "Yeah, I know." She waves goodbye to him and shuts the door, and when she does he lets out a heavy sigh. "Believe me, I know."

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