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Joan huffed but started for the phone. After all Nikki did add in an evil laugh so..........

Even with Mötley crashing and the inevitable end of the band, Nikki still remand sober. Even when Mick broke his baby cousins heart, he stayed sober and for once was the responsible one out of the Sixx Cousins. Nikki was the one ranting and preaching to Rebel back when her wolf came crashing down and she was trying to find herself. How the rolls reversed for a few  years.

Even when his own marriage seemed to wander , he found the strength to stayed sober.

Nikki found out Brandi had been cheating on him for about two years and that she was expecting another child- This one not his.

All Nikki wanted to do was crawl in a hole and die and he knew his little Rebel had to be feeling the same way, especially after Axl called to let him know Mick was about to get married again.

Unsure about what to do next, Nikki knew one thing was for sure , whatever he did he wanted his little Rebel with him every step of the way. That's why when he started a radio rock talk show he asked her to be his rocking co-host. Things were good, and they got to mess around and act stupid over the airwaves together. Fans get to call in and they play good music. So other than her kids, the talk show and the black hearts she wasn't up to too much.

"I know your there!" The bassist snapped. "WHAT!??" The woman snapped finally picking the phone up after Nikki constantly said her name on repeat to Annoy  her. ( Her full legal name)

"Good afternoon to you too!" He said in a happy tone. "What's so good about it?" Joan snapped. Nikki sighed and desired to get right to his point. She was pissed off and didn't seem like she felt like playing any games.

"Remember when I told you that I was thinking about starting another band if Motley fell through?" Joan snickered. "Yea, back in '81, surprised you do though Sixx." He chuckled. "We'll Motley fell. It's over - Mick is done, trying to keep and then add Corabi as a second guitar wasn't going to work, even he knew that himself, hell I knew that. Vince is going solo again and Tommy's hellbent on starting whatever the hell his new musical love is. Have you seen his hair?" Nikki asked. "Sadly yea.." she answered wanting to get away.

"Look I want you to come meet the new guys. We don't have a name yet but-I'd love for you to say hello."

"No name Huh? Also sounds familiar. Is the lead singer gonna be a playboy blond bitch? The guitarist gonna be a lying old fucker and the drummer- Is he gonna be an over grown kid with adhd or some shit -cause if so no thanks man." She snapped ready to go.

"Look I want to have them on our show and I'd like if you would -." Nikki started only to have her  cut him off again. "Yea sure that's fine. I'll say hello then-I have to go. I have a gig at the bourbon tonight for the New Years." Nikki scoffed. "No you don't-."

"I do now. Because if I dont get on a stage to distract myself I'm going to kill Mick Mars and his bitch wife."

With that she slammed the phone down and left the house.

Stormy sighed sitting on her fathers couch. " I-I don't understand this." The woman whispered to her husband Axl. The singer sighed and put his arm around  his upset wife. The wedding had happened moments before and although her father looked happy Stormy could tell he was anything but.

She thought back to the small fight they had after he discovered that Storm had called her mother.

(Flash back. A few hours before)

"Was that who I think it was?" Mick asked standing in his kitchen. Stormy sighed and hung the phone up. After she let her mother know what was going on and who Mick was about to marry,  Joan slammed her phone down and screamed, trashing her bedroom.

"It was Mom-." Mick shook his head. "Why? I'm not with her anymore. This has nothing to do with Joanna! Absolutely nothing- Now I need you to stop acting like we will end up together. I made sure we never would work again and she's better off that way!" Stormy rolled her eyes. "No dad- Your both not better off alone- She misses you- She would do fucking anything to have you back Dad- You know as well as everyone that Joan Jett and Mick Mars are soulmates- You were always meant to end up together and you should have stayed together but you somewhere along the road made up your mind that she would be better off with ought you dosnt mean it's true Dad- Yes our backs are messed up and that really fucking sucks but at the same time you found the perfect person for you and we both know it's not Emi. She's just using you and you know it. When you wake up and realize mom is who you need it will really be too late!" Mick huffed.
It already is. She's with Sebastian and she has another kid so-."

"SHES ONLY WITH HIM BECAUSE YOU BROKE HER - AFTER THE DIVORCE SHE WENT CRAZY, changed everything about her and thankfully a good guy that's been a friend for a long time helped her out. Yea she's got another baby but so what. She's not with him like that anymore and -."

"Baby, Mickey it's time!" Emi called with a bright smile. "Mickey?" Stormy asked her father. "You let her call you Mickey.... Mom was the only one to ever- ." Mick watched as Stormy gave Emi a death glare.

She stomped up to the back up singer and got right in her face. "If you hurt him in any way- I'll end you!" Mick sighed watching his oldest leave the kitchen.

(End flash back)

Joan live at the bourbon room New Year's Eve 1999.

Updated. Wow took me forever lol. Sorry guys. More to come I promise. This is the 39 th chapter.

I will add the final two part chapters for the end of this book.

The next book will be out soon and continue the story along starting with 2001.

I hope you still like my motley books guys. Trying to keep it going.

Mick and Rebel might just get a happy ending still to come in the last book.

Who knows right?

Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötley Crüe Family Est.1981 sequel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang