20. No more games, and no more running

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to sit?" I asked her in an attempt to change the subject.

She made a funny face, smirking but then squinting her eyes.

"But wouldn't Je-"

Was she going to ask if my fake date would've minded? I don't think so, given that you know, it's a fake date.

"How rude of me, maybe you're here with someone. Or maybe you just don't want to sit with me, anyways it's fine...I'll tell Jess you said hi" I said trying to hide my discomfort at picturing her in a date.

"What? So you're basically sending me away so you can be with your date, right?" Jen sneered, unable to hide her discomfort as well as I did.

"Absolutely not" I said rapidly.

We both stayed silent for a moment, before Jen's gaze softened and she nodded. I guided her towards her seat, and not until she was in it, I came back to mine.

"As I said before, you look stunning" I said checking her out, again.

"Thank you, you always look great yourself...even though I didn't think you'd come to a date dressed like this" she laughed.

"What? You don't like my sweatpants? Tough crowd I guess" I said chucking and Jen soon followed.

"You always look amazing Kate, sweatpants or not" she said, and the intensity of her gaze took my breath away.

As much as I wanted to sit here and just talk about anything, I felt like we needed to talk about what happened yesterday, I wanted to talk about it.

"You didn't come to school today, and you didn't reply to my text either; well, not until I was in this date" I said biting my lower lip.

She took a shuddering breath, and licked her lips before answering.

"I know, I know I've got a lot of explaining to do, so let me start by saying that I'm sorry, I'm sorry about disappearing like that...I was...trying to figure out what I felt, and what I wanted to do about it" she gulped.

"And what did you felt?" I asked eagerly for her answer.

"I felt...I feel...jealousy" she said, her eyes locked on mine. "I feel...jealous because I don't want to see you in a date with anybody else...I feel...insecure, because you might like Jess more...and I feel.." she paused, a dazzling smile taking over her face. "I feel like I wanna kiss you all damn time" she ended.

My mouth opened in surprise, so this goddess wanted to kiss...me? I smiled, and apparently it encouraged her to continue.

"And I feel so much more things, you made me feel so much more things...so that's why I'm asking you..." another pause, and that breathtaking smile. "Ditch your date and come with me" she offered, extending her hand.

"Yes!" I shouted, making a few people turn in our direction but I couldn't care less.

"Meet me at my car after you say goodbye to Jessica" Jen said squeezing my hand.

Then she stood up and started walking away, the smile never leaving her face. I quickly asked for a box to take home my not-even touched meal, paid for it, and rushed to meet Monty at her car.

My heart was bumping like crazy, I felt the adrenaline rush and I relished on it. I spotted Monty's car and ran towards it, quickly getting inside and giving her a smile.

"That was fast" she said chuckling, immediately getting into motion.

Since we were being honest with each other, I should probably be honest too about my fake date too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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