12. Cat toys

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Kate's POV

As I kept walking towards Monty's classroom, I couldn't help but to smile like a complete idiot. As images of her face came flooding into my mind, I kept increasing my peace every five seconds, and not just because of the awful stares I was receiving, but also because I just was that eager to see her.

Yesterday I was at her house, and she was taking care of me because she was worried, I don't doubt that she is just that nice...but I think that yesterday we connected in a unique way, and the more time I spend with her, the more I want to get to know her more, to make her laugh more, to kinda just...make her happy.

Today I brought her something, yesterday her cat Coco was pretty caught up on me, so why not buy her a toy? As I was getting it out of my backpack and struggling with it due to my neon color cast, someone pushed me with their body and I almost fell off balance, but luckily another someone caught me before I broke my other arm.

"Oh my G-d, are you okay?" a girl said worriedly, she was wearing mom jeans and a tight black crop top that looked good on her. She was a lesbian, a pansexual at minimum, my gaydar is never wrong.

"You should have let her fall Jessica" Aaron, the boy that undeniably pushed me said bitterly. My gaydar is telling me here that this boy is the definition of a male Karen, I know I'm not wrong there either.

This girl, Jessica, only rolled her eyes at him and directed me a smile. She made sure that I was stable enough to let me go, but she was still standing very close to me, her eyes only left mine for a split second, scurrying Aaron away.

"He is an asshole, I would apologize on his behalf, but I'm more of a get revenge type of girl...so yeah" Jessica said smirking, was she joking? Because I was seriously considering it.

"He? An asshole? No way!" I said sarcastically and Jessica laughed, shaking her head, her eyes watching me intensely.

"I'm Jessica, but everyone calls me Jess" she said offering me her hand to shake, but then realizing that my right hand was in a cast, so she rapidly put her hand down. "What happened to you?" she asked then.

I smiled lightly before responding, someone was finally talking to me, and not saying like...hurtful things when they are talking to me. Also, she is someone my age, someone I didn't have to beg to be my friend, and of course I enjoy being with Monty, but I did beg her to be my friend.

"Oh this?" I asked signaling my cast and Jess nodded. "I...uh...I lost a...a fight, well not lost per se...or like a fight-fight for that matter...more like-" I started explaining, trying to think of how to explain her that the floor beat my ass.

"A fight? With who?" Jess asked worriedly.

I looked at her and my mind went blank, the nervousness of having human contact with someone my age was too much for me to handle. This is something that I miss about having Sofía around, she was never awkward, me on the other hand, I start acting overconfident when in reality I'm shitting myself, and by the way, my overconfident self is definitely not good at making new friends.

"Okay fine...the fight was with the floor and...it kicked my ass" I said groaning, Jess found my comment really amusing, because she stared laughing uncontrollably, and so loud that my other best friend pooped her head out of her classroom to see what was going on.

"Hey Mo-....Montgomery...Miss" I said awkwardly, resting my back on the lockers and making it even more awkward, if that's even possible.

Jess was still laughing, which was very good given that I almost call Monty....Monty. I know we were technically doing nothing wrong, but still, the mere act of Monty talking to me, then taking me to her home and on top of that, me calling her nicknames it's just something that most people would find inappropriate, and I don't want to put Monty's job or reputation at risk.

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