3. Friendship bracelets

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Kate's POV

Okay so...there's been no progress at all. Sofía haven't forgiven me, I still don't have friends...and yeah, that's basically it.

Oh wait, if you count my English teacher that pity's me, I might have one friend.

Normally I don't like when other people try to defend me, even if it's a teacher. Because I don't need a savior, yeah it sucks when a bunch of annoying assholes try to make me feel bad and bully me, but I can beat their asses on my own.

However, when Miss. Montgomery arrived and shut them down, and made them apologize and then made sure to check up on me, let's just say that it felt nice. Since I came back no one has done that, not even my parents have called to check up on me.

Maybe it was due to the fact that I was indeed being awfully bullied and harassed just because I decided to transfer to this school, and she was a teacher after all, so it was kinda her job to stop fights from happening. But no teacher had ever done it before, of course they know when someone is about to punch me, but they don't do absolute anything about it. I could complain to my parents about it, but I doubt they'd do anything more than to tell me to suck it up.

But getting back to Miss. Montgomery, I felt safe around her. And for some strange reason, I trust her too. That initial tension between the both of us is still there, it's like we both know a secret of each other, but at the same time, we don't really know each other. It might sound a little crazy, but I consider myself close to her because of it. I don't have any friends, so befriending a teacher is better than nothing, this are desperate times.

I knocked on Miss. Montgomery 's door, I got no answer, so I knocked again and finally those pair of slightly hazel eyes set on mine. I smiled, trying to look nice and friendly. I must be in a pretty bad situation if the reason for my smile is my English teacher.

On the bright side, she was a very nice person who happened to be a teacher. And she was also stunning, like what the fuck.

"Do you need something?" she asked, since I apparently forgot how to talk.

I started feeling sweaty and nervous under her stare, so I did what I knew best. Act like I was so confident and like I didn't give fuck, meanwhile I was shitting my pants.

"Good morning, Miss. Montgomery, what did you bring for lunch?" I asked, cockily stepping besides her and entering her classroom without her permission.

"I- I brought something from home" she said confused, following behind me. "Did you need something? Is someone bothering you?" she asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

"What? No" I said with a shrug. "I want to have lunch with my favorite teacher" I said getting a chair and bringing it closer to her desk.

She looked at me with a mixture of shock and surprise, I was fearing she'd tell me to go to hell of something, like almost everyone on this school would, but something told me that she was way too nice to do that.

"Kate, you won't fit in if you spend your lunch hiding at your teacher's classroom" she said crossing her arms.

"Well, you're way better than the idiots that I have as classmates" I stated as if it were obvious, and it kinda was to be honest. "Besides, I don't wanna fit in, they're a bunch of assholes" I ended.

"Language!" she quickly corrected me. She gave me a disapproving look, not liking the language I decided to use, nor my idea of me spending lunch with her.

"Also..." I started, trying to think of something that could make her laugh and convince her that I wasn't that bad company. "I could say the same thing about you!" I shouted enthusiastically.

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