19. Borrowing book's pages

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"You- you what?" I took a big sip of my coffee and pinched myself, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Oh wait- you're apologizing for something you're about to do right now like...I don't know, finally kill me?" I added, a nervous blush creeping on my cheeks.

"Why does everyone think I want to kill them?" Brianna asked out loud, shaking her head and then refocusing her attention on me. "No, I want to apologize for how I've treated you since I met you. I didn't even know your name, but I was already being rude and mean to you, and I'm sorry for that...you didn't deserve it" Brianna finished.

Once again, I was speechless. Did I ever dream about this day? Yes. Did I actually thought it would happen? No.

"You were there for Sofía when I was being completely awful to her, and even when she was vulnerable, and you could have used your friendship with her to manipulate her into hating me...you encouraged her to make things right with me" Brianna continued, seeing that apparently, I couldn't form a word. "And I'll always be grateful for that" she ended.

I blinked twice, and Brianna looked at me expectantly.

"I- uh...don't know what to say. I mean, everyone would have done that...I- yeah, you don't have to thank me" I said stuttering.

"No Jennifer, not everyone would have done that" Brianna said with her teacher voice. I nodded at her, believing in the intensity of her words and her eyes.

"Well, thank you for apologizing and...saying all those things. It means a lot to me that now we are-...or at least we are on our way to be on good terms" I said smiling.

And I wasn't kidding, since I moved here, I haven't been able to make not even one friend. But before this talk, I already had an enemy, an impossible crush, and an ex-impossible crush; so, it's nice to be able to take the 'enemy' out of the list.

"I'd like that for us" Brianna said, a light smile creeping onto her face.

And I thought this was what this all conversation was going to be about, it would end beautifully if she would just stand up and look at me without wanting to turn me into stone. But instead of following my script, she suddenly shook her head and put her teacher face on, letting me know that she meant business.

"So, taking that into consideration...I feel like I have to return the favor to you, and help you in your...ah...dilemma" Brianna explained, waiting for me react.

"I- That's very nice of you...but I don't really have a dilemma. I mean, unless you know something I don't...I-" I started, but before I could keep rambling, Brianna cut me off.

"I know you like Kate" she deadpanned. "But don't worry, I'm not threatening you, for obvious reasons; but also, because I really want to help you out and redeem myself to you" she explained.

She looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to process her words before continuing to the next stage of her intervention.

"I always thought that Sofía was exaggerating every time she was left speechless by you...but now I think that it is just a collateral effect of being near you" I said gulping hard and running a hand in my hair in distress.

Brianna smirked and crossed her arms, in some other time I would have sworn that she was relishing on my misery, but today, I still think she might deep down be relishing on my misery, nevertheless, she 100% wants to help me out.

"I don't think you're being too obvious, is just that I have been in your position before, so I immediately recognized some signals...of being in love and in denial, I've been there" she said, explaining everything as if she were my psychiatrist.

I Was Right, Love Is Messy (TeacherxStudent) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now