Y/n held her bouquet. It was a daffodil one. She saw a small letter in it. She frowned and opened the letter.


"The flowers we planted, finally bloomed, just like our love ^^ can't wait to call you officially mine. Love you"



She smiled at the memory.

"Y/n let's go." Micha called. Y/n gulped and walked to the door.

"With whom I'm going to walk there? Dad i-"

"Why I'm here then?" she looked up to see her half father. "I'm so happy that my daughter is getting married in front of my eyes with a perfect guy. I know your parents will be so happy for you and Chan." he said.

"Ahh don't say that doctor. She will start crying again. She was crying yesterday for the same reason. We know her parents are happy and proud. Don't worry Y/n we are all with you. You are going to have a family of your own. Can you believe it?!" said Micha just for Y/n to hug her tightly.

"Thank you for everything." she said. It was time so they were finally going out.

"You got this." said Micha.

Sungho held Y/n's hand and they started walking out. Her and Chan's eyes met the second she was out. Chan was wearing a black suit with white tie and a pearl brooch on it. His hair slightly parted away. He wore a watch and not to forget the promise necklace as usual around his neck. He looked like a prince from a fairy tale waiting to get married to his princess.

As everyone realized the bride was coming, everyone snapped their head towards her. Once she was in the vision, everyone gasped. Chan was asked to stand on the aisle which was decorated with different flowers. The sun was already settled. The dim lights lightened up the whole garden.

Chan's eyes widened and lit up when he saw Y/n walked towards him. Y/n's eyes melted in Chan's. He wanted to scream there but controlled. When Y/n was finally in front of him, Sungho took Chan's hand and placed Y/n's hand in his.

"Take care of my daughter." he said.

"I won't disappoint you sir." Chan smiled. Once both of them were on stage, everyone sat in their places.

"You are the definition of beauty." Chan whispered making Y/n blush.

"You look stunning Chris." she replied.

Everything was settled and the priest finally began the wedding. Everyone watching the two in loving eyes. Sungho almost teared up thinking how Y/n's parents would have seen their child getting married in front of their eyes and how he fulfilled the promise he made.

"Please say your vows in the presence of the God and people." the priest said.

Chan turned towards Y/n to hold both of her hands in his. He gave the brightest smile just for Y/n to reflect back.

"Y/n..I promise to be the best husband. We met in a very weird way. It was hilarious to be honest. You were crying and I caught you." he said making everyone laugh. "All of the sudden you were asked to look after me. Me being an insolent and emotional brat, was hard on you. Thank you..thank you for coming in my life. I promise to keep you safe and contented in my arms for the rest of my life."

"As you said, we met in a very weird situation. You lowkey embarrassed me or I embarrassed myself in front of you? I remember almost giving up on my very first day as you caretaker. That was true, you were insolent but I somehow felt to keep you safe. Chan..don't thank me to come in your life, thanks to you for accepting me. I promise to spend every second of my life happily with you."

"Things got very messy back then. I thought, I almost lost you, but you didn't leave. I promise to protect from every single finger laid on you." he said as tears filled his eyes.

"I promise I won't leave you ever. Chan..I'm here for you always. I remember saying I don't belong to anyone, I don't have my own people to look after me, to protect me or care for me..thank you for sharing your family with me. I promise to stay with you and all of them till the end." she said with tears spilling from her eyes.

"Thank you for helping me to get my family back. I also remembered how you said you don't matter but..you matter a lot to me. You are everything I need. I promise to fill every void left in your life."

"I vow go keep walking with you on every path of our life be it flowery or full of thorns."

"I vow to bring happy and only happy days in our life. I will never get tired of loving you. Y/n..I love you."

"I love you too Chan." she replied.

"In the name of God, Mr. Bang Chan do you take Miss. Jung Y/n as your wife, to have and to hold form this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until you are parted by death?"

"I do." Chan said.

"In the name of God, Miss. Jung Y/n do you take Mr. Bang Chan to be your husband, to have and to hold form this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until you are parted by death?"

"I..I do." Y/n said wiping her tear.

After the vows, it was ring exchange ceremony. Y/n's ring was very delicate just like her hand. It had a delicate design on it with a diamond in the center. Chan's ring was same as her with the diamond in the center of a square shape in the center.

"You may kiss the bride now." the priest said and Chan gently held Y/n by her waist and she placed her hands on his chest. In few seconds their lips were latched. Chan kissed her softly and both of them smiled in the kiss. Within few moments, Hajoon, Sohee, Micha and Taehoon ran towards the couple and they grouped hugged them.

"Congratulations!" all of them shrieked and everyone clapped their hands. The guardians from both side walked towards them. They congratulated and gave blessings to the newly weds.

Chan's mother hugged Y/n. "Honey welcome to the family."

"Thank you mom." Y/n smiled. She got a whole new family now. The Bang family.

Once they left the couple, wedding song was played. Chan and Y/n cut their wedding cake and the guest were busy in eating and enjoying themselves. Chan pulled Y/n by her waist and placed his forehead on her.

"You are no more Miss. Jung Y/n. You are Mrs. Bahng Y/n." Y/n smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for making me a part of your life Mr. Bang Chan."

"Lets be together forever baby."

"We have a long way to go."

"Gosh I think I'm obsessed with you." he said making Y/n laugh.

------[The End] -------

The book finally ends here 🤗
I actually didn't plan to change the story line at the ending chapters but the lack of motivation caused this 🙃
Maybe in few months I may rewrite this book 😅

Thank you for all the love and support you gave till the end.

Thank you for reading 'Obsessed' and sorry if you felt this story long and stupid 😶


Thank you again and I love you all 💕

edit - another fanfiction of chan has been uploaded.. if you like this story you can check out the new one on my profile <3

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