Chapter 25

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"Christopher Bang Chan." a voice was heard from behind me. Obviously it was Chan.

"Y/n, he wants to meet Christopher Bang Chan." he stood beside me and said. I gave him a confusing look.

'Wait Christopher Bang Ch-' and the next second I understood what was happening.

He asked the person to get in as both of them sat on the couch and I fetched water for the man. When I entered the room, the man already gave an envelope like thing to Chan. He took the glass from me as I offered him.

Chan was busily reading the paper? letter? or whatever it was whilst I stood near the door frame watching them.

"So they called me?" Chan asked.


After few seconds, Chan replied, "Fine I'll be there." it felt hesitant.

"Oh it will be nice. Thank you." the guy said and got up. Chan and him shook hands and the person left.

"Is your english name Christopher?" I asked with curious eyes once the man was gone.

"You can call me Chris." he playfully said.

'Nah I would rather call you mine.'


'Side effects of love?'

I was brought back to this world when Chan kept the back side of his hand against my forehead.


"Now a days you are getting red frequently. I was checking if you are fine?"

"It-its n-nothing I..I'm good. An-and care to explain what was 'So they called me?' 'Fine I will come' thing?" I quickly changed the topic not wanting to get exposed.

"Ahh that." he went silent which I worried about. "Uhh....there is a meeting in two weeks and my father wants me go to the office."

Hearing this I happily smiled. "Oh Chan its great. You will go to office now!"

"Yeah I will but..."


"You see I'm no-not th-tha-"

"Not that confident?" I cut him off.

He nodded and I walked to sit beside him.

"Chan." he looked at me sadly.

Y/n control.

"You don't have to be afraid or nervous. I know you do the office work perfectly. It's just that you need to show your ability to them there in the office..."

"I have to present a ppt."

"Oh Chan you can do this."

"You think?"

"I know." I said. "And if you don't feel confident, I can come with you. Only if you want of course."

"Why are you even asking?" he said, "Obviously you are coming with me. I'm not going alone. I need a supporter and a cheerleader."

'He did not just- Ugh Chan why? And then you say I am don't seem fine!'

"Yeah I'm your support system, cheerleader and now personal secretary too I guess."

"Yes and one more thing." he smilingly said.

"What?" I said somewhat ready to get friend zoned.

"My best friend."

Oh wow best friend zone. But at least I'm best for him in some case and I'm happy with it.

"What about your Bam?" I teased.

"Aye come one. Both of you are my best friends." he said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"What?" I asked getting flustered by his action.

"I'm done with my work, you are done with your work then what should we do now to kill time? Watch movies? Cook? Play games? Whatever you want."

'Anything but don't kill me like this.'

"Umm what can we do?" I thought.

"Let's go stroll down the street? Or in the park?"

This made me proud that he is trying to get out of his antisocial zone but- "Chan it's day time."

"But I'm craving for fresh air."

"I know but with that mask on you can't have fresh air. Let's go at night time."

"Fine." He pouted like a five year old kid.

"Umm...Chan you want fresh air right?"

He nodded.

"Then let's go do some gardening in the back yard."

Listening this, his eyes lits up and lips formed a smile. A bright one.

Is he really a kid?

"Let's go!!!"

As decided, we did gardening in his back yard. He said he never did this before but always wised to do and hearing that I felt happy that he did gardening with me for the first time. Yeah yeah gardening isn't a big deal, but small things brings more happiness to me.

Chan and I planted many plants and mostly flowers. He said he don't have much interest in flowers which was again opposite to me. He also said he would start having interest in gardening after watching his backward full of colourful flowers. I can't wait for the moment when these small leaflets will grow into beautiful floras. One flower which I want to bloom soonest is daffodil. Its my favourite flower and Chan also kinda like it. Who knows just like its symbol, the flower will bring positivity in our life. It will give both of us hopes that Chan will get well soon and who knows it will be a new beginning for our bond?


Chapter 25th right here 😌

SKZOO too cute 🤧
Poor IN 😂

-Obsessed || Bang Chan-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن