Chapter 33

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"Y/n no!"

"Chan yes!"

"Ahh Y/n last time you were the one who asked me tons of time whether I was okay with this or not and now? Y/n why? What's gotten in you?" he whined.

"Cry baby!"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. Chan once okay? Just once! Trust me it won't be the way you are thinking." she pleaded.

Chan sighed. "It's impossible to win an argument with you." he said defeated with the others actions.

Y/n decided to go to the mobile store by walking to which Chan agreed. Now the girl wanted him to roam around without wearing a mask or cap. In short without hiding his face. Chan's insecurities kicked in and he refused but Y/n had some different plans.

"Aww Chan thank you. Now lets go!" she shrieked and held his hand running out of the gates.

"It gives a dejavu but our places are swapped." she said while both of them walking along the foot path. Chan kept quite.

"Chan come on see nothing happened."

"It's because there aren't many people here. Once they see me they will-"

She turned towards him stopping him at his spot. "You trust me right?"

He nodded.

"You think I would do something that will cause you a problem?"

He shook his head.



"I won't let any species harm you!"

"Sp-species?" he repeated in disbelief.

"Oh yeah. I hate humans and so I call them species." she proudly said.

"What?" he laughed.


"You are- woah Y/n you are unbelievable."

"Yeah yeah I know. Not let's go my phone ahhh my I miss my life savior." she fake cried to which the male laughed again.


"Thank you." Y/n thanked the shop keeper once he handed her repaired phone. The man didn't answer instead stared Chan whilst the poor boy was getting uncomfortable and insecure under that gaze. Y/n noticed this and quickly linked her arm with Chan's.

"Let's go." she said Chan and turned around not forgetting to give a death glare to the man who was now looking at the ground.

On the way back Chan's head was hanging low. The guy from the store was giving Chan looks which he found judging and disgusted about himself. He still couldn't get that out of his mind.

"Hey Chan look, it's a park let's go spend some time there." y/n dragged Chan to the place she mentioned. The nervous and sad face wasn't getting unnoticed by her but she kept quite about it and thought of making Chan happy at the moment. Chan tried to protest because there were few people mostly children in the park but who can stop y/n?

"Let's sit on that bench." she said pointing at the bench in front of a huge tree. Chan just nodded and both of them sat there. None of them spoke, they were just watching the scenario in front of them. As the park wasn't much crowded, Chan felt relieved about it.

"Are you ok?" she finally asked breaking the silence.

He just hummed and nodded.

"It must be comfortable without mask and cap right?"


"You said you want to have fresh air. See now you can!"

Chan looked at her in disbelief. Well he craved for fresh air but this is not what he imagined it would feel. "Thank you so that but peo-"

"Don't let their judging affect you. Live for yourself not for them Chan."

Again the boy just hummed and within a second panicked when he saw an old lady in her late sixties approaching them. He almost shivered when the lady sat in front of them. She came with her grandson who immediately left her hand and went to play on the swing. The lady then stared Chan and y/n. Chan was nervous as hell and hence y/n slid her hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze and assuring him that she's right next to him.

"Y-you are Bang Chan right?" finally the granny spoke. Chan's hand became sweaty, his figure slightly shivered at the words, he bit his bottom lip which was trembling due to the building anxiety, he started fidgeting his legs. Y/n noticed this and decided to answer for him.

"Oh..yes ma'am." she awkwardly said.

"I see." she smiled. "What's your name?"

"I am Jung Y/n."

"What a good name."

It was silence again. The lady looked at her grandson playing and back to the two sitting in front of her.

"Bang Chan." the called boy looked up. "How are you doing?" the granny asked politely.

Chan and y/n were so confused at the moment. Chan was already making up his mind to hear tons of humiliations and y/n on other hand was ready to handle the situation by firing back but this was a different story.

"S-sorry?" Chan shuttered.

"Dear I asked how are you?"

"Ohh..I'm good?"

"Nice to hear that. Well don't stress out alright? I know it must be hard for you but I hope you will get well soon. You may find it out of nowhere but I live across your lane. When I take my grandson out, I often cross your house. I realize you rarely step out of your house and I also guessed that y/n must be your care taker and see I was right." she smiled. "As I said, don't stress about it, don't let people saying have a room in your brain. You made a mistake but you must have a back story about it. This world is cruel, they will only think about negative things and that's why they are stuck on the part of you hitting kids on the road but no one thought you might have hurt yourself, no one ever thought how much lonely, guilty and abandoned you must be feeling in that house which you can't even call a home."

Both of them weren't able to process anything. They weren't believing their ears. Y/n's jaw was hung open and Chan was still having a shocking expression on face. It was hard to believe that someone was genuinely trying to encourage Chan and that someone was a stranger? Chan was almost on the verge of crying. He never thought he have such a great neighbourhood.

"Ma'am I-I wh- n-"

"It's hard to take this?"

Chan nodded.

"Not everyone hates you dear. Some people are right beside you the whole time, it's just you who can't see the affection and love they are pouring in your life, how much they are ready to listen your side."

These words were enough for Y/n to describe her existence in Chan's life. Till now she never thought of leaving Chan once and was ready to listen his rants happily, its just Chan who isn't able to see through her.

"Tha-thank y-you so...much for t-the w-words. It- h-helped a- lot." Chan said and a tear slipped his eyes.

The old lady smiled and nodded. "Chan you got this!"


Thankyou for reading ❤️

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